南澳洲担保列表上准备申请的职位Special Conditions Apply是什么意思?
南澳洲担保列表上Special Conditions Apply是什么意思就是说没有了吗
是不是意味着名额基本上没有了,如果要下一批放出名额是什么时候了? 基本就是没有了的意思,不用考虑了。下一批得明年7-1了。
回复 #2 microspot 的帖子
晕,才出来三个月就放光了啊 :) :) :) :) :) IT行业现在又不景气,真担心明年很多都不担保了,现在雅思准备的也很痛苦,3个多月了 还停留在第一步看阅读上,而且时好时坏。回复 #3 xkqf1156 的帖子
不是放光了,而是政府得考虑优先本地人,前一段时间澳洲裁员,这些移民职位先暂停,给裁员的留下职位。 南澳官方网站上对于special conditions apply的规定是:Occupations listed as “Special Conditions Apply” are limited to applicants who are recent South Australian international graduates, who studied at a South Australian institution and where this study meets the DIAC Australian study requirement. If any of the applicant’s studies were undertaken outside of South Australia, a minimum of 50% of their qualification must have been completed in South Australia.