说明:本人赴澳手续都是单位给办理的,我不懂啊! 可以更改雇主,前提是新雇主愿意担保你的签证。好像过渡期也只有28天。
至于找新雇主,你说呢? 各位高人给讲讲啊,有没有可靠地中介,给介绍介绍。
回复 #1 twelveboy 的帖子
457签证是可以更换雇主的。 抓紧时间了。 同问,楼下解答 同问,楼下解答 :L 谁来解答一下 ......Can my sponsor cancel my visa?
No. Your sponsor cannot cancel your visa but they can terminate your employment. If you do stop working for your current sponsor, you have 28 days to find a new sponsor and apply for a new 457 visa. You must phone DIAC on 131 881 or approach a DIAC business centre for advice within this 28 day period to ensure your visa remains valid. You may also have the option of applying for another visa subclass. If you do not apply for another visa, you must leave Australia before the end of the 28 days, unless you have received approval from DIAC for an extension.
If your employment has been terminated by your sponsor, DIAC must be notified. Your sponsor may be required to continue paying you for a period of 28 days.
看来希望不大了:L 你好,需要在28天之内找到新的愿意担保你的雇主。我是在西澳的注册移民代理,需要的话可以联系我。
[ 本帖最后由 jhmmigration 于 25-10-2012 17:00 编辑 ] 高人给讲讲啊:P