Probably, we have nothing to do about this, but leave this out of our minds at the moment. 原帖由 wuyq_hs1 于 7-11-2012 13:46 发表
it is rumoured that all the post-july applications are on hold until the applications before July got cleared. Although my agent told me this is not true, I believe this did not come from nowhere, bec ...
i am a post-july applicant (for my own application, nomination applied before July), and I got approved last month. 独立移民如果是州担保的也是有最低工作年限要求的,再来个人感觉独立移民难度还是比较大一些吧
原帖由 ltf 于 7-11-2012 00:09 发表
两年还能接受,那么如果可以申请独立技术移民,是不是尽量不要去申请雇主担保,以免被绑住呢? Congrat! How long did it take to approve the nomination in your case?
原帖由 goldenbanana 于 7-11-2012 15:21 发表
i am a post-july applicant (for my own application, nomination applied before July), and I got approved last month. I just saw you mentioned it ... so it is six months in total, nomination plus application, right? That's not too bad, but not really quick either...
原帖由 fishstop 于 7-11-2012 18:59 发表
Congrat! How long did it take to approve the nomination in your case?
原帖由 fishstop 于 7-11-2012 19:04 发表
I just saw you mentioned it ... so it is six months in total, nomination plus application, right? That's not too bad, but not really quick either...
hey, it took about 3 months for nomination (and plus >1 month for RCB). So about 5 months in total all adding up. Not too bad, but not quick as you said... 我等Nomination都四个多月了!还没消息呢! 我的也是两个月了,中介告知等待期是6个月,不知道圣诞前能不能给个惊喜。 打电话问问看是怎么回事?我发现这里催一催还比较管用的
原帖由 adaliu079 于 12-11-2012 08:56 发表
我等Nomination都四个多月了!还没消息呢! 你是nomination和application一起交的么?
原帖由 liuliu2003 于 12-11-2012 12:01 发表
我的也是两个月了,中介告知等待期是6个月,不知道圣诞前能不能给个惊喜。 中介说墨尔本这边审理到5月份了,让我再等一等!我是6月29递交的Nomination,下个月又过圣诞节,估计明年见了!:Q
回复 #39 fishstop 的帖子
我的中介告诉我现在Mel已经审到5月递交的了!因为中介有及格case是早于我的case递的,最近有在审核!所以……还要……等!!!:Q 186审理进度到哪里能看到?上次看tigtag一位哥们说目前审理到7月的。回复 #30 wuyq_hs1 的帖子
那这样还是申请雇主担保好,自己又不用掏钱? 难道申请费你雇主都帮你出了?那真不错啊 提名费没多少钱是雇主掏的,但申请费我们是自己付的(没听说周围谁是雇主给付的),3000刀啊!!原帖由 ltf 于 14-11-2012 08:49 发表
那这样还是申请雇主担保好,自己又不用掏钱? 看来大家都是这样等啊,186速度比其他的还要慢啊,有没有哪里能查到进度的呢:Q :Q :Q :Q the way of checking the progress is to make a phone call. I'm waiting too. they're very slow, especially recently. 慢,的确是很慢,有186批了的吗?我们公司的好像一个都没有呢,7月份之前提交的856的都批了 加油吧!墨尔本!不要落后,只求我的Nomination快快过啊 my agent told me parramatta office has processedapplication before 3 July. Mine was submitted 3 Sept. Seems it has little chance to be processed this year. 郁闷啊:(
原帖由 wuyq_hs1 于 19-11-2012 19:17 发表
my agent told me parramatta office has processedapplication before 3 July. Mine was submitted 3 Sept. Seems it has little chance to be processed this year.