在官网上看到的,如果我的理解没错的话,登陆墨尔本的同学可以拿国内驾照自登陆之日起开半年,但是悉尼仍然是三个月,所以不要弄错喽!无论如何能开半年还是大大的方便啊,我一直看到都是说有效期三个月,实际两个城市是不一样的,墨尔本的有福了!原文如下:If you have entered Victoria on a permanent visa issued under the Migration Act 1958, you may drive on your overseas driver licence for:
six months from the date you first entered Australia if the permanent visa was issued before you entered Australia; or,
six months from the date when the permanent visa was issued to you if the permanent visa was issued to you whilst in Australia.
我理解得对吗? 看起来好像是这个意思呢,谢谢分享! :good :good :good 登陆墨尔本的同学可以拿国内驾照自 第一次 登陆之日起开半年
注意是 第一次登陆 如果你有短登再长登的话...
回复 #4 laowantong 的帖子
好久没看到老顽童了,好荣幸啊!! 短登过再长登。。。就。。。