you could find many and many beautiful places in the world [综合信息] Bushwalker 的部分帖子汇总 Let us go back Tofu Rock this Saturday June 21 2014 and this Sunday June 22 2014 to see what is different. 真不错~帮顶~ 前些日子有人在那附近出事故了,小心安全
http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/french-student-in-fatal-royal-national-park-fall-may-have-been-taking-photos-20140609-zs1c1.html Tofu Rock
on June 21 2014 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 21-6-2014 21:30 编辑
and more 这种coastal walk是布村最缺乏的了 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 23-6-2014 09:32 编辑
昨天(June 21 2014) 去豆腐石看芭蕾舞表演 ,
今天(June 22 2014) 我们十五人去豆腐石练瑜珈,再顺便看看鲸鱼.下次什么时候再去呢? and nearby 今天也去看了豆腐石,沿路上看到很多鲸鱼。 我第一眼看成”豆腐脑“了:L The tofu rock in June 2014 bushwalker 发表于 26-6-2014 20:58 static/image/common/back.gif
The tofu rock in June 2014
真漂亮~~ 太漂亮了,就是太远了些。。 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 4-8-2014 22:11 编辑
Tofu rock in August 2014 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 9-10-2014 18:33 编辑
This Saturday Oct 11 2014
Eight fit walkers will walk about 60 KM and see Tofu Rock twice in one day.
上次想去的时候突降暴雨。有空一定要去的 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 13-10-2014 16:31 编辑
Tofu Rock on Oct 11 2014 :good:good:good:good:good