NAB上海开分行了? opens first branch in China
About Us/Media/Media Releases/Media Releases 2011/NAB opens first branch in China
21 November 2011
National Australia Bank (NAB) today officially opened its first branch in China, strengthening its commitment to the region.
The branch, located in the Lujiazui Financial Centre, Shanghai, follows the granting of a license from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) in June this year.
The branch will support existing Institutional, Corporate and Business Banking customers operating in or trading with China.
It will also provide support to Chinese Institutional & Corporate clients looking to operate or invest in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States particularly in the Energy, Utilities, Natural Resources and Agribusiness sectors.
At the opening ceremony, Chief Executive Officer, Cameron Clyne said that the Shanghai Branch is an important part of NAB’s strategic approach to support clients in the Asian region.
“National Australia Bank has expertise across the Natural Resources, Energy & Utilities and Food and Agribusiness sectors which will be key areas of focus in China.
“The branch will be a further step to support our clients in commerce, trade and investment in China.
“It will further grow our Trade Finance capability across the Australasian region,” said Mr Clyne.
The branch will also support NAB’s growing capability throughout the Asia region supplementing branches in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.
The branch will be managed by Mr Danny Armstrong and supported by an experienced local and international team with extensive experience in Chinese Banking.
Media contact:
Sharna Rhys-Jones
+61 (0) 417 028 942
个人可以开户吗?有没有陆家嘴的先去打探一下? Shanghai Branch
Suite 4201-4204, 42nd Floor
One Lujiazui
68 Middle Yincheng Road
Pudong New Area, Shanghai
General Line: +86 21 2089 0288
Fax: +86 21 6100 0531
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Monday to Friday)
就是时代金融中心 是那个新楼 DDDDD 在国内办理,有什么好处呢 做个记号! oyo,哪天晃过去看看
The branch will support existing Institutional, Corporate and Business Banking customers operating in or trading with China.
It will also provide support to Chinese Institutional & Corporate clients looking to operate or invest in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States particularly in the Energy, Utilities, Natural Resources and Agribusiness sectors.
看介绍可能不接待个人客户? 没有个人存取款业务,我在悉尼的时候问过他们了。 原帖由 Angie_sjtu 于 20-4-2012 12:42 发表
开户可以哇!◎ 原帖由 wlh19781030 于 20-4-2012 12:45 发表
不行的 原帖由 Angie_sjtu 于 20-4-2012 12:49 发表
你交大的啊? SJTU? 看来中国不但是澳洲制造业的后盾
可能还是澳洲金融业的支撑哪!:ppb_50 原帖由 wlh19781030 于 20-4-2012 22:35 发表
你交大的啊? SJTU?
是滴,嘿嘿,校友吗? 估计也只有校友能通过这几个字母看出来:D
回复 #14 wlh19781030 的帖子
我也看出来了,不过我不是交大的。:loveliness:回复 #13 Angie_sjtu 的帖子
校友你好... 给nab写过信,但是要我过去找最近网点开,先mark 咨询过了,确定个人是可以开户的。。。。:D