Nowadays, many people have changed their old conception of working.They will never spend their lives doing the same things while othersstill keep no change. In my opinion, change is a good thing but it isnot suitable for everyone.
1. conception ---> concept
2.将第二句的前半改为定语,如Rather than spending......they ........, 这样就可以与第一句接上了.
3.开头段太简单, 没有足够的background来应题.
On the one side, people can get benefits from changing their jobs.Firstly, searching for a new job can earn more money. People alwayspursue wealth which is their first target for working. According to asurvey, 90 percent of people who want to change their occupation arenot satisfied with current salary. Secondly, people will be lazy ifthey keep stay in a same place. A new environment will encourage themto express their potential ability. Last but not least, new workingopportunity enable employees to study new technology to enrich theirknowledge which will promote the skill level of the workers.
1.on the one side ---> on the one hand
2. 第一段没有讲清楚工作变换,但是这段一开头就讲,所以语意上出现连接问题.
5.第三句过于绝对,只能讲some people.
7.keep stay -->keep staying
8. in a same place --> in the same place
9. potential ability --> potentials
10. Last but not least --> Last but not the least, 另外此短语一般于文章结尾用.
11. opportunity enable --> opportunities enable
On the other side, people should not change their job indiscriminatelybecause they should consider some issues. In the first place, peopleneed to get accustomed to a new system which means new employee to thenew company. No one in the company will treat you as professionalworker as before. In their eyes, you just a new colleague who can becommanded by anyone. In the second place, if you are a frequentjob-hopping, the company will suspicious your loyalty and integrity.For instance, if a candidate have never worked for a company more thanone year, definitely, the interviewer of the new company will refuseyour application. Finally, people should consider more about jobchanging especially if they have married. Although money is important,stable of life is more significant. Changing a job means a challenge,it may be failed. At that time, the whole family will tied by thepressure of unemployment. That is why people really should considercarefully about this thing.
1.On the other side --> On the other hand
2. some 太弱 -->following
6.suspicius -->suspect,其实suspect用得不当,应用have doubts in your
7.have --> has
8. more than one year --> for more than one year
10. 删of the new company
11.在第五句application 后加 based on ......
12. 第六句与论点矛盾.
13. stable --> stability
All in all, every coin has two sides. Even though changing a job willencounter some risks, people will be gain more through job-hopping ifthey can make a serious consideration before they make decisions.
1. All in all ---> In all
2.will be gain --> will gain