An advice for looking for a GP:
Do some homework b4 ur heading to any clinic or GP office, make sure that the service is what u want such as "Bulk Bill".
1). A lot of clinics are not of Bulk Bill service.
2). Bulk Bill only apply to certain GPs.
3). Bulk Bill GPs only have some limited service hours (typically is during office hours on weekdays) .
I have been to all the clinics/GPs mentioned aboved except the Singaporean one. Below are my personal experience only, hope it gives you guys some useful information:
1). The one in Perth (Dr. Leong 梁少驹): His skills are really so so, to be frank, I don't appreciate so much. There is ever one time, i brought my son to see him, (we suspected there was inflammation with his nose), he gave me a note to buy two tubes of cream from any pharmacy, ended up, it totally didn't work! (They cost me over 40 dollars for the two tubes, can not remember the name), the second time i brought my son to him again, he used a cotton bud to dig a small sample "dirt" from nose, and sent to a lab for testing. The result was: i spent over 70 dollars for the lab test, and for nothing to be done on that!
2). Dr7, generally speaking, the doctors there are with quite nice attitudes. Dr Kasinska is my wife's GP from pregnancy --> so far so good with her!
3). There is a doctor called "Cummin Peter" in Swan Surgery (at the cross road of Wannaloo road and Raymond Street). So far he is the best GP i have ever met. Continue with the story of my son's nose, finally we brought my son to Dr. Cummin, he is really an experienced Dr. with children (although he is not a Pediatrician).
(我女儿3个月大的时候,有段时间一放到床上就哭,不懂为什么,那个Dr. Kashinska检查不出啥来,后来还是那个Dr. Caummin给检查出ear infection.) |