原帖由 ciprol 于 8-5-2013 16:30 发表
干嘛不看看交通规则? RTA Road Users Handbook 英语版第86页写的很清楚, 还有和上头一样的图. A就是要让C, 没什么说的. 现在还是不知道你那个三秒说法从何而来? 至少和法定的交通规则无关.
http://www.rta.nsw. ...
When you come to a STOP sign you muststop completely before reaching the
STOP line, and as close as possible to the line. Where there is no STOP line,stop
before reaching, and as close as possible, to the intersection.
不知道你有没有考过澳洲的驾照,至少我的师傅和我周围的朋友都是这么说的。而且我也有朋友因为没有停满3秒,被罚款。警察说他没有completly stopped。
A STOP sign or a STOP line means you must give way to all vehicles travelling in,
entering or approaching the intersection, whether vehicles are turning left or right,
or going straight ahead. You must give way to any pedestrians crossing the road
into which you are turning.
既然对面直行的车也是在stop后面,而且A车已经启动,那是不是C车也需要让呢? Stop的规则同样应该适用于C车吧
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