Hi Jinyan,today for me is about to end. After hanging up the phone I had some breakfast and start the day by reading the passages as usual. Then I went over the vocabulary and went downstairs to have lunch.
I made it home at 2.30 and started studying New concept English(NCE)4,lesson 1. What's more,I took out the novel《pride & prejudice》which involved 61chapters in total and I've read the first chapter and decided to do this everyday as a new mission.
what for now was difficult for me was not the new words but the sentence patterns, which confused me what the writer was trying to say exactly.
Since I've realized the difficulties in original novels like strange words and sentneces,I told myself to undersatand it in whole,instead of stucking to certain of them.Plus,the first chapter was pretty much the same as the one in the movie.
In the evening,I enjoyed an episode of vampire diaries with two subtitles and finished today's task of Baicizhan next.
Now I'm working on the news and hurry away from the computer to the bed later. |