AMEP的文件上面有一句话,说免费翻译只能提供给 migrants within 2 years of initial settlement.
我去翻译的时候离我首次登陆已经过了两年了,工作人员丢了这句话给我, 我看了看和工作人员说,上面写的是initial settlement,我当时只是来激活签证,都没有settlement。今年才是真的initial settlement,她说她可以帮我申请免费翻译,但是墨尔本的那个机构不一定肯帮我做。
不过她在申请上面填写的日期是我真正settlement的日期,也就是在取得签证两年后, 但是在真正settlement的两年内的日期,我想也是这个原因墨尔本那个机构给我做了吧。
Documents can only be accepted for the free translating service within a period of two years after the date of either:
•the client's initial arrival in Australia with a permanent visa, eligible temporary/provisional visa or citizenship
•the grant of an onshore permanent visa or eligible temporary/provisional visa.
Note: For holders of the eligible temporary/provisional visa subclasses, the eligibility period is from the date of grant of their temporary/provisional visa or their arrival in Australia, whichever is later.