回复 #171 cello 的帖子
我没说什’非天然‘ (可能是别人在提?其实美女穿衣服就很不天然),又不是矿泉水。 我关注的从来都是先天后天,因为如果是先天的,那么就不传染,那就不用紧张。如果是后天的,那就会被环境影响,就很需要紧张。 我关注同性恋,切入点并非道德问题,而是实际社会影响。
哪怕我们忽略人伦道德,宗教的观念,以及目前多数同性恋性生活混乱,成为艾滋病温床的社会事实。 同性恋不能生孩子这点不能改变,性取向跟自己性器官和性激素不一致这个事实不会改变。每个人都是活生生的人,都只有一辈子好活 。在我看来,多造出一个gay都是犯罪。为什么贩毒有重罪,难道不是吸毒者自己买毒品的么?很多东西不是一加一那么简单。事实证明成了gay就很难折回来。 如果是我最重要的人,我希望他一生幸福。老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 难道我们在这件事情上,不应该更谨慎一些么?
如果现在法律不允许同性恋,要定他们的罪,那无疑是应该搞运动,现在根本就不是。 同性恋享有一切自然人权利,谈何歧视? 同性恋自己同居,谁又去管他? 非要修改社会伦理,修改婚姻体系,我实在看不出来进步,看到的只是对婚姻的亵渎和贬值。什么都是以爱为名-我知道cello对多人婚姻也不反对,就不反复问你了,下次去噎嘟嘟宝贝。
- If a parent objects to a school teaching pro-homosexuality and pulls his child out of school, and because of it is ridiculed and/or jailed, is he harmed?
- If a self-employed business owner with strong religious convictions refuses to offer his services to homosexuals and he is sued and goes bankrupt, is he harmed?
- Examples of such businesses where a person should be free to refuse services could be things like wedding photographers, masseuses, tutoring, etc.
- If a Catholic orphanage is forced to shut down because it is against its religious moral code to turn children over to homosexual couples, is someone hurt?
- If a public school teacher voices his disapproval of homosexuality on Facebook on his own time, away from work, in his own home, on his own computer, and is fired from his teaching position, is he harmed?
- If a group of pro-homosexual activists (Act-UP) disrupt the worship service of a Christian congregation by throwing condoms at the pastor, is the congregation harmed?
- If Christians are forced into silence because of fear of legal, social, and financial retribution, are they harmed?
- When morally conservative people who disapprove of homosexuality are labeled as "moral dinosaurs," "bigots," "hate mongers," "right wing fanatics," "preachers of hatred," "intolerant," are they harmed?
[ 本帖最后由 black_zerg 于 11-10-2012 22:52 编辑 ] |