原帖由 xiaohuajun 于 6-9-2012 23:59 发表
这回知道了, 争取下周再主动联系她一下,看看有没有合适的职位再推荐给偶了
I'd like to say something to you just from my point of view. It could be wrong.
1) When the agent first contact you, that means he/she is expressing some interests on you after the screen scan.
2) You need show some quality and profession way to the agent.
3) The agent maybe invite you to their office to have a look at you before they finalize the short list or before send you to the client(employer).(That happens a lot when you just fresh or the agent is fresh as well or you just move to OZ, they want to know you are fit to the work, not just skill but culture)
4) If you never been asked to send agent the authorize mail to present you,that means you probably just end up with the short list with agent.
And If they call you later(3-4wks, or month), they just want to follow you to see how's going with your job search, and know the progress of your job finding. And
you tell them nothing happened, that's means you are out of this market(something), they just have no interest at all. Maybe they cross your name from their pursuit list.It is not good. You can say something positive about your current situation like you are investigation this market, have some agent contacted etc
5) If you been send to the client(employer), you also can end up with the employer's short list, coz heaps of agents send their candidate as well, unless you have secure a interview.
any way, good luck! |