1. 烘烤土豆:
烘烤土豆的淀粉含量较高,是直链淀粉;质地比较干、粉,烘烤后比较轻而蓬松,捣碎后比较轻、滑腻而有乳脂感,实际上也是唯一的一种值得做炸土豆条的土豆。= .
烘烤土豆的外观一般是长形、皮粗糙而似软木塞表面,一般以袋装出售。其中在北美市场见得最多也是最出名的烘烤土豆叫 Russet Burbank,其它的还有:Russet Arcadia,Norgold Russet,Goldrush,Norkotah,Long White(或 White Rose 或 California Long White),和 Idaho 等。
Are you sure you can buy Russet Burbank,Russet Arcadia,Norgold Russet,Goldrush,Norkotah,Long White(或 White Rose 或 California Long White), Idaho ,Round White,Round Red,Yellow Potato,Red Potato,Salad Potato,La Soda,Red La Rouge,Red Pontiac,Red Nordland,Red Bliss,Yellow Finnish,Ruby Crescent,和 Australian Crescent,Yukon Gold,Peruvian Blue,Superior,Kennebec,和 Katahdin in the supermarket or vic market or other market and you have tasted them all?