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周星驰那片文章很好! 正好给一些不着边际的移民一个基准线.
So, what does the typical Australian worker earn?
If we’re only interested in wages, and only interested in people who work, then that’s a fairly easy question to answer. AWOTE is $66,445 per year. However, we know that’s a problematic measure of the earnings of the typical person. Instead, we can look at the median earnings of all full time workers, which is $54,750 per year.
See how much the figure drops just by looking at the median instead of the mean? In case the whole mean v median thing hasn’t sunk in, this figure means that half (50 per cent!) of all full time workers in Australia earn less than $54,750 per year, or at least they did in August 2010 when this survey was taken.
What if we broaden our scope a little, to look at all employees? After all, politicians aren’t only concerned about full-time workers. Well, the median earnings of all employees is $44,146 per year. Half of all workers earn less than $44,146 per year.
However, we don’t all work. In fact, a lot of us don’t. |