The applicant has agreed to transfer no less than AUD400,000 net personal funds to Vic within 23 month of visa activation.
Proposed 'eligible' full time employment positions generated at time of PR application-Two(2)
The applicant has agreed to transfer no less than AUD400,000 net personal funds to Vic within 23 month of visa activation.
Proposed 'eligible' ...
Please be advised that you do not meet the education criteria for assessment. With this in mind, I would like to provide you with the opportunity to change your assessment to anRPL Application (Recognition of Prior Learning).
Please be advised that you do not meet the education criteria for assessment. With this in mind, I would like to provide you with the opportunity to change your assessment to anRPL Application (Recognition of Prior Learning).
请问,这里的半年,是completion letter 上写明的授予学位日期后的半年,还是放弃学生签证之后的半年。因为,当我交了论文以后,马上就开始用457visa,同时,放弃学生签证。但从论文提交,到正式拿到学位,还得有5-6个月的时间。所以,如果是放弃学生签证的半年,就有可能,我拿到学位的时候,已经有半年的时间了,这样申请885就来不及了。
请问楼主 我一个人递交的175申请 递交当时就已经结婚了 现在还没分CO 我想把老公加进来 不知道还能不能加了啊??
1. If u marry, become pregnant, or have a kid, 你可以通知移民局change in circumstances by completing form 1221
2. Applicants who have applied for a permanent General Skilled Migration visa outside Australia, may add certain dependent family memebers after lodgement and before the ginalization of their visa application.
下面是我的理解 不知道对不对 想听听您的意见
第一条是说如果你递交之后 结婚 或者 怀孕 或者生小孩的话 可以把新成员 包括配偶和小孩加进来 只需填写1221表格
第二条是说境外申请永久居住的人可以添加某些dependent 的家庭成员 但是很明显这里的dependent 的家庭成员是不包括配偶的
那么综上来说 是不是我的案例是不可以后来加进我老公的 因为我申请时候已婚 而我的老公又不是我的dependent family memebers .
IMMI网站上提示:Child in Australia
You must be the parent of a child who is settled in Australia as one of the following:
an Australian citizen
an Australian permanent resident
an eligible New Zealand citizen.
Settled:A person is considered settled if they are an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen who is lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period. In normal circumstances, two years is considered to be a reasonable period. For Australian citizens this period may be reduced to at least three months.