Viola, 其实论坛上大家各抒己见,表达各自的喜怒哀乐,这恰恰也是我们所喜欢的民主氛围,面对持“不同政见者”甚至攻击者,要坚强坚决地debate,这点要学习一下总理Gillard。她几个月前受攻击时说:I‘m not going anywhere, because I'm the best person to do it and I'll continue to do it....... ... 20110902-1jouq.html,一个女人,身居国家最高职位,面对种种非议和攻击,她所表现出的韧性令人赞叹!
Viola, don't know if you still occasionally brownse here. To share with you and my like-minded friends. This is my motto. I know you will appreciate this poem. Those poeple are vexatious to the spirit ...
thanks for sharing!!
and wish Viola stay with us & FreeOZ!