"范厨师终于收到PLE的回复了, 算分CO了吧 - TOOLE, SOPHIE ?
更多相关主题[关闭][禁用]昨天忍不住PLE了一下, 收到了下面的回复, 意思应该是把我的case转给了CO处理, 但是是不是分了, 还不确定
不知道标题中的那个TOOLE, SOPHIE是不是CO, 哎, 赶紧准了我吧~~~
Dear Client,
Thank you for your email in relation toyour visa application under Australia's General Skilled Migration program.
I have forwarded your message to yourCase Officer for action.
For any further enquiries about theapplication you have lodged please refer to our website using the followinglink http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm
Yours sincerely,
Cecilia" |