Immigration SA advises that it could take at least eight weeks for a decision on a sponsorship application to be made.
Processing only commences when ALL the necessary documents have been registered by Immigration SA (not when the online application is submitted).
Validity periods also exist at various stages of the application and can change – you must adhere to these.
Please do not contact Immigration SA as once a decision on a sponsorship application has been made, it will be reflected on the Client Tracking System.
The Online Application is valid for 30 days in which time Immigration SA must receive a complete set of documents or your online application will expire.
Applications will be processed in date order of receipt and registration of a complete set of documentation.
Sponsorship approvals are valid for 30 days. There will no extensions (unless there are extenuating or compelling circumstances that are unforeseen AND beyond your control) and if the request is made before the approval expires. If a Sponsorship approval has expired, applicants will need to submit a completely new Sponsorship application. They must meet all criteria (including any new requirements) at that time.
When you have lodged your visa application with DIAC and have received the TRN/BCC/CLF number from DIAC, you have five days in which to enter the number into the Application System or your sponsorship approval will expire.