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[经历分享] PERTH 各區的犯罪率以及竊盜率

发表于 5-9-2011 18:30:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Perth suburbs sorted by burglaries

Suburb        Burglaries per 1000 houses
Connolly                8
The Vines              8
Padbury                9
Edgewater          10
North Lake          10
Woodvale           10
Kingsley             11
Mount Helena     11
Mundaring         11
Walliston            11
Watermans Ba   12
Booragoon         13
Glen Forrest       13
Kalamunda         14
Leeming             14
Menora              14
Crawley              15
Dalkeith              15
Greenwood        15
Hillarys               15
Hillman               16
Yanchep            16
Bull Creek          17
Claremont         17
Gooseberry Hill  17
Jolimont              17
Marmion             17
Mullaloo             17
Lesmurdie         18
Samson             18
Byford               19
Kinross              19
Willetton            19
Alexander Heights   20
Craigie              20
Ferndale          20
Floreat             20
Murdoch          20
Myaree            20
Parkwood        20
Duncraig         21
Mindarie          21
Nedlands         21
Shenton Park   21
Wanneroo        21
Beldon             22
Currambine     22
Heathridge       22
High Wycombe       22
Ocean Reef         22
Shelley         22
Warwick         22
Hamersley         23
Swanbourne         23
Trigg         23
Tuart Hill         23
Wembley Downs         23
Alfred Cove         24
Daglish         24
Noranda         24
Sorrento         24
Attadale         25
Ballajura         25
Bicton         25
Carine         25
Iluka         25
Kewdale         25
Kiara         25
Lynwood         25
Wembley         25
Roleystone         26
Rossmoyne         26
Bateman         27
Mount Claremont         27
Mount Nasura         27
Two Rocks         27
Darlington         28
Winthrop         28
Cottesloe         29
Leederville         29
Maida Vale         30
Maylands         30
Mosman Park         30
Ardross         31
Dianella         31
Karrinyup         31
South Guildford         31
Atwell         32
Kallaroo         32
Morley         32
Mount Hawthorn         32
Ashfield         33
Coolbinia         33
Embleton         33
Innaloo         33
Lockridge         33
Quinns Rocks         33
Safety Bay         33
Woodlands         33
Yokine         33
Bedford         34
Helena Valley         34
Riverton         34
Singleton         34
Huntingdale         35
Joondanna         35
Munster         35
Warnbro         35
Carramar         36
Kensington         36
North Beach         36
South Perth         36
Thornlie         36
Waikiki         36
Applecross         37
Marangaroo         37
Melville         37
Armadale         38
Bayswater         38
Canning Vale         38
Churchlands         38
City Beach         38
East Fremantle         38
Glendalough         38
Scarborough         38
Spearwood         38
Subiaco         38
Coolbellup         39
Eden Hill         39
Orelia         39
Cooloongup         40
West Leederville         40
Forrestfield         41
Mount Pleasant         41
Stirling         41
Inglewood         42
Kardinya         42
Brentwood         43
Calista         43
Como         43
Palmyra         43
Yangebup         43
Doubleview         44
Joondalup         44
Parmelia         44
Shoalwater         44
South Fremantle         44
Beechboro         45
Bibra Lake         45
East Perth         45
North Fremantle         45
Port Kennedy         45
Wattleup         45
Balcatta         46
Hocking         46
Merriwa         46
Osborne Park         46
Gwelup         47
North Perth         47
Rockingham         47
West Perth         47
Lathlain         48
Mount Lawley         48
Swan View         48
Wilson         48
Queens Park         49
Willagee         49
Greenmount         50
Highgate         51
Bellevue         53
Guildford         53
Mirrabooka         54
Peppermint Grove         54
Victoria Park         54
Bassendean         57
Beckenham         57
Brookdale         59
Clarkson         59
Langford         60
Pearsall         60
Ridgewood         60
Westfield         60
Beeliar         61
Landsdale         61
Cloverdale         63
Coogee         63
East Cannington         63
Hamilton Hill         63
Secret Harbour         63
Carlisle         64
Kelmscott         64
East Victoria Park         65
Manning         67
South Lake         69
Ellenbrook         70
Kenwick         70
Gosnells         71
Perth         71
Salter Point         72
Beaconsfield         73
Bentley         75
Maddington         76
Waterford         78
Belmont         79
Fremantle         80
Koondoola         80
Jandakot         81
Nollamara         81
Rivervale         81
Medina         82
Success         82
White Gum Valley         82
Balga         83
Westminster         84
Cannington         85
Martin         87
Ascot         88
Girrawheen         90
Redcliffe         90
Leda         93
St James         93
Hilton         94
Midland         98
Koongamia         99
Burswood         114
Karawara         190
Southern River         200
Northbridge         309


参与人数 6威望 +210 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2011 18:31:26 | 只看该作者
crime rate for your Perth during the 2007/08 financial year
http://homeinperth.blogspot.com/ ... r-perth-suburb.html

Alexander Heights - 3.7%
Alfred Cove - 1.9%
Anketell - 6.6%
Applecross - 3.5%
Ardross - 2.3%
Armadale - 3.5%
Ascot - 3.8%
Ashby - 1.45%
Ashfield - 5.81%
Attadale - 2%
Atwell - 5.4%
Aubin Grove - 9.4%
Balcatta - 4%
Balga - 7.07%
Ballajura - 1.9%
Banjup - 1.9%
Banksia Grove - 2.5%
Bassendean - 5%
Bateman - 2.5%
Bayswater - 4%
Beaconsfield - 5.99%
Beckenham - 4.5%
Bedford - 1.568%
Beechboro - 3.6%
Beeliar - 7.1%
Beldon - 2.7%
Belhus - 2.3%
Bellevue - 4.1%
Belmont - 5.4%
Bentley - 8.3%
Bertram - 7%
Bibra Lake - 3.5%
Bickley - 5.4%
Bicton - 2%
Booragoon - 1.51%
Boya - 4.3%
Brentwood - 4.7%
Brookdale - 5.7%
Bull Creek - 1.10%
Burns Beach - 6%
Burswood - 7.01%
Butler - 2.8%
Calista - 3.3%
Canning Vale - 2.3%
Cannington - 4.45%
Carabooda - 2.3%
Carine - 1.7%
Carlisle - 5.3%
Carmel - 4.7%
Carramar - 1.07%
Casuarina - 1.5%
Caversham - 7.7%
Champion Lakes - 5.7%
Churchlands - 1.7%
City Beach - 2.1%
Claremont - 2.2%
Clarkson - 4.3%
Cloverdale - 5.2%
Como - 3.8%
Connolly - 1.567%
Coogee - 2.4%
Coolbellup - 3.4%
Coolbinia - 2.9%
Cooloongup - 3.2%
Cottesloe - 2.5%
Craigie - 2.7%
Crawley - 0.8%
Currambine - 1.16%
Daglish - 1.57%
Dalkeith - 1.6%
Darch - 2.1%
Darlington - 4.3%
Dianella - 1.67%
Doubleview - 3.4%
Duncraig - 1.7%
East Cannington - 5.1%
East Fremantle - 3.2%
East Perth - 2.2%
East Victoria Park - 5.6%
Eden Hill - 5.0%
Edgewater - 1.48%
Ellenbrook - 3.9%
Embleton - 4.2%
Ferndale - 2.9%
Floreat - 2.2%
Forrestdale - 5.7%
Forrestfield - 4.1%
Fremantle - 4.4%
Girrawheen - 6.0%
Glen Forrest - 1.9%
Glendalough - 3.7%
Golden Bay - 3.2%
Gooseberry Hill - 2.6%
Gosnells - 4.8%
Greenmount - 4.8%
Greenwood - 1.13%
Guildford - 5.0%
Gwelup - 1.9%
Hamersley - 2.4%
Hamilton Hill - 6.12%
Hammond Park - 4.9%
Hazelmere - 1.4%
Heathridge - 2.4%
Helena Valley - 3.3%
Henley Brook - 2.5%
Herne Hill - 2.3%
High Wycombe - 2.9%
Highgate - 6.5%
Hillarys - 1.25%
Hillman - 2.3%
Hilton - 8.0%
Hocking - 1.7%
Hope Valley - 6.6%
Hovea - 2.9%
Huntingdale - 4.0%
Iluka - 1.9%
Inglewood - 1.9%
Innaloo - 1.8%
Jandakot - 4.9%
Jane Brook - 2.4%
Jindalee - 7.4%
Jolimont - 0.9%
Joondalup - 2.5%
Joondanna - 2.3%
Kalamunda - 1.47%
Kallaroo - 3.1%
Karawara - 9.6%
Kardinya - 2.3%
Karrinyup - 3%
Kelmscott - 3.7%
Kensington - 3%
Kenwick - 4.5%
Kewdale - 3.9%
Kiara - 4.3%
Kingsley - 1.8%
Kinross - 0.96%
Koondoola - 9.3%
Koongamia - 7.0%
Landsdale - 3.5%
Langford - 5.94%
Lathlain - 5.5%
Leda - 3.8%
Leederville - 2.9%
Leeming - 1.35%
Lesmurdie - 1.9%
Lockridge - 3.1%
Lynwood - 2.2%
Maddington - 3.8%
Madeley - 2.2%
Mahogany Creek - 1.3%
Maida Vale - 2.2%
Manning - 5.6%
Marangaroo - 3.7%
Marmion - 2.1%
Martin - 6.5%
Maylands - 2.4%
Medina - 10.6%
Melville - 2.5%
Menora - 1.552%
Merriwa - 2.4%
Middle Swan - 5.90%
Midland - 9%
Midvale - 4.8%
Mindarie - 2.6%
Mirrabooka - 6.7%
Morley - 2.9%
Mosman Park - 3.9%
Mount Claremont - 1.553%
Mount Hawthorn - 1.7%
Mount Lawley - 2.9%
Mount Pleasant - 3.0%
Mount Richon - 3.4%
Mullaloo - 2.3%
Mundaring - 1.328%
Munster - 3.0%
Murdoch - 2.1%
Myaree - 1.0%
Naval Base - 7.1%
Nedlands - 1.43%
Neerabup - 7.9%
Nollamara - 6.8%
Noranda - 1.9%
North Beach - 2.9%
North Fremantle - 3.3%
North Lake - 2.8%
North Perth - 2.2%
Northbridge - 13.6%
Nowergup - 1.3%
O'Connor - 6.9%
Ocean Reef - 1.46%
Orelia - 3.2%
Osborne Park - 3.4%
Padbury - 1.9%
Palmyra - 2.1%
Parkerville - 2.3%
Parkwood - 2.0%
Parmelia - 3.7%
Pearsall - 2.0%
Peppermint Grove - 3.4%
Perth - 3.4%
Port Kennedy - 3.1%
Queens Park - 3.7%
Quinns Rocks - 3.0%
Redcliffe - 7.4%
Ridgewood - 3.5%
Riverton - 4.0%
Rivervale - 4.6%
Rockingham - 3.9%
Roleystone - 1.66%
Rossmoyne - 2.3%
Rottnest Island - 5.5%
Safety Bay - 3.1%
Salter Point - 3.8%
Samson - 5.4%
Scarborough - 2.5%
Secret Harbour - 4.1%
Seville Grove - 6.4%
Shelley - 3.1%
Shenton Park - 0.99%
Shoalwater - 4.5%
Sinagra - 2.4%
Singleton - 2.7%
Sorrento - 2.8%
South Fremantle - 3.6%
South Guildford - 4.9%
South Lake - 9.1%
South Perth - 2.6%
Southern River - 4.7%
Spearwood - 3.8%
St James - 10.2%
Stirling - 2.6%
Stoneville - 2.1%
Stratton - 6.15%
Subiaco - 1.8%
Success - 3.8%
Swan View - 6.6%
Swanbourne - 2.7%
Tapping - 1.9%
The Vines - 3.6%
Thornlie - 3.5%
Trigg - 2.1%
Tuart Hill - 2.3%
Two Rocks - 0.84%
Upper Swan - 3.4%
Victoria Park - 3.8%
Viveash - 5.7%
Waikiki - 3.5%
Walliston - 3.4%
Wandi - 2.8%
Wangara - 5.4%
Wanneroo - 1.561%
Warnbro - 4.3%
Warwick - 1.9%
Waterford - 5.83%
Watermans Bay - 2.6%
Wattle Grove - 7.3%
Wattleup - 4.4%
Wellard - 5.4%
Wembley - 1.49%
Wembley Downs - 1.9%
West Leederville - 2.4%
West Perth - 2.8%
West Swan - 3.3%
Westminster - 10.3%
White Gum Valley - 5.7%
Willagee - 5.6%
Willetton - 2.4%
Wilson - 4.7%
Winthrop - 3.0%
Woodbridge - 4.2%
Woodlands - 2.2%
Woodvale - 1.32%
Yanchep - 2.0%
Yangebup - 4.8%
Yokine - 2.2%


参与人数 2威望 +70 收起 理由
tingnishuo + 50 谢谢分享!
cynthiawu + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2011 18:33:08 | 只看该作者
Five steps in choosing a suburb:


1. Rent somewhere and maybe rent again

Unless you're still in a hotel, you already must be renting somewhere. So this Step 1 is obvious. Except for one thing: after you find a suburb where you want to buy, it can make sense to move again and rent in that suburb first. (For rental searches, this is a good one: Reiwa rental properties.) Renting is to make sure it will all work for you, particularly the next point...

2. Work out how you'll later want to get around
This is a big one. If you get it wrong, it will jinx the most magnificent house. Because getting around will be a depressing hassle.

Here's an example. Charlotte works in my wife's office. She leaves her ocean suburb of Quinns Rocks at 6.30 in the morning and drives south on the Mitchell Freeway. Which gets her to the office in the city (in Hill Street, across from the Perth Mint) at about 8 o'clock. One and a half hours to cover about 45km. Average speed: 30kmh. And almost all on a freeway where she's allowed to go 100kph. If she could. "From time to time, traffic almost stops," sighs Charlotte. "The train is quicker, but totally packed during rush hours. I'd rather drive, bad as it is, than stand up all the way in the train." After fourteen months of this, she is resigning. And finding work instead in Joondalup.

Working out your travel choices isn't too hard. Ponder how the people in your house will get to work or school or university. Then experiment. If you'll probably be travelling along the Great Eastern, then picking up the Graham Farmer, going through the tunnel, turning onto Loftus and into West Perth, try it during rush hour! Try it in the morning, try it in the evening. If you plan to live in Darlington and you have a job in the heart of the city, and you like the idea of the train, then park at Midland Station and experience the trip.

The light rail system around Perth is fast, frequent, modern, and on-time (and sometimes packed). If you buy a house near a train station, that could solve a lot. ( Rail system PDF map.) But you need to try it and see. There are also buses that run everywhere.

For this travel planning, you'll need your road map of Perth Metro, a map of the rail system (if trains appeal), and the persistence of a forensic scientist. Keep at it until you're sure.

There are aids. If you want to conduct stay-at-home research into road traffic, the Main Roads Department has on-line cameras pointing at busy roads. Sit at your computer and watch others struggle in rush hour: traffic cams. You can click on Next Map at the edges and branch out all over. And Main Roads have also researched travel times in peak traffic between some key suburbs and the city. Finally, there are the diligent summaries posted in the Perth Traffic Report. Find out where the traffic is good, bad or ugly. The report also scrolls down for several days and much can be learned by studying it. To mention two things: the times when the tunnel traffic usually creeps and the freeways are jammed ("stop/start from South Street through to South Terrace then slow at the city exits").

Transperth (which run both the buses and trains) have a trip planner. Type in where you are, where you want to get to, and the system computes alternative ways to get there, including bus and train times. Even how far you have to walk to a bus stop or train station.

Once you're confident about the transport, any house near your big X on the map will at least be OK for getting routinely where you want to go.

3. Sort all Perth suburbs by house price

Decide the top price you're willing to pay. It may be a large sum and then other factors will matter more (plenty of room and a view, typically). Or maybe you don't want to pay a lot, even if you could afford more. You basically want a bed and a kitchen nook to make snacks.

Now use this list of suburbs sorted by median price to find which suburbs you can consider. You can print out the list, highlight the suburbs that seem possible, and turn to your map. But keep in mind that full-year median house prices may not match the current market prices. Even if they are close, you should include a generous range of prices around the median. The median is the middle price, and half the houses sold for more than that, half for less. For example, if you're thinking of paying about $500,000, then you might consider suburbs where the median is a fair bit higher and lower than $500,000. Say from $300,000 to $700,000 median price.

4. Rate the schools and universities
Your suburb choice may be heavily swayed by your preferences for schools, or to be near a university. Here is where I recommend you start finding out about all this: Education overview and links.

After you get things narrowed down some, you can turn to this data-rich website run by the Federal Government: My School. Launched on 28 Jan 2010, despite heavy flack from the guns of school administrators and such. They didn't like the idea of information that could lead to league tables for schools. But the government did it anyway.

Finally, if you are game, and already in Perth, you could try this novel and perhaps realistic method: For good schools, forget the net, try the toilets.

5. Avoid repulsive neighbours and bad areas
Who will tell you that you're about to move in next to a horrible neighbour? No one. Your Real Estate Agent won't. You can't ask the owner of the house you are about to buy and expect the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You can't walk up and down the street, knocking on doors, and asking your future neighbours what the others are like.

But there are things that you can do. Stop at different times near the house that you're thinking of buying. And listen. Hear anything? Trumpet practice? Shouts? Power tools in the evening? If you pick enough times of day and days of the week, you can grow confident that noise won't be a problem.

True, you could end up with very quiet neighbours who are unfriendly. Indifferent or quietly unfriendly neighbours make a place less pleasant, but maybe aren't fatal to your enjoyment.

It's a lottery, the neighbours you get. Even in the best suburbs in Perth, you can be made miserable. (To remind yourself what regularly happens, read the book Status Anxiety, by Alain de Botton.)


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
cynthiawu + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2011 18:38:23 | 只看该作者
The worst crime suburbs in WA sorted from worst to best

1Northbridge 13.60%
2Medina 10.60%
3Westminster 10.30%
4St James 10.20%
5Karawara 9.60%
6Aubin Grove 9.40%
7Koondoola 9.30%
8South Lake 9.10%
9Midland 9%
10Bentley 8.30%
11Hilton 8.00%
12Neerabup 7.90%
13Caversham 7.70%
14Jindalee 7.40%
15Redcliffe 7.40%
16Wattle Grove 7.30%
17Beeliar 7.10%
18Naval Base 7.10%
19Balga 7.07%
20Burswood 7.01%
21Bertram 7%
22Koongamia 7.00%
23O'Connor 6.90%
24Nollamara 6.80%
25Mirrabooka 6.70%
26Anketell 6.60%
27Hope Valley 6.60%
28Swan View 6.60%
29Highgate 6.50%
30Martin 6.50%
31Seville Grove 6.40%
32Stratton 6.15%
33Hamilton Hill 6.12%
34Burns Beach 6%
35Girrawheen 6.00%
36Beaconsfield 5.99%
37Langford 5.94%
38Middle Swan 5.90%
39Waterford 5.83%
40Ashfield 5.81%
41Brookdale 5.70%
42Champion Lakes 5.70%
43Forrestdale 5.70%
44Viveash 5.70%
45White Gum Valley 5.70%
46East Victoria Park 5.60%
47Manning 5.60%
48Willagee 5.60%
49Lathlain 5.50%
50Rottnest Island 5.50%
51Atwell 5.40%
52Belmont 5.40%
53Bickley 5.40%
54Samson 5.40%
55Wangara 5.40%
56Wellard 5.40%
57Carlisle 5.30%
58Cloverdale 5.20%
59East Cannington 5.10%
60Bassendean 5%
61Eden Hill 5.00%
62Guildford 5.00%
63Hammond Park 4.90%
64Jandakot 4.90%
65South Guildford 4.90%
66Gosnells 4.80%
67Greenmount 4.80%
68Midvale 4.80%
69Yangebup 4.80%
70Brentwood 4.70%
71Carmel 4.70%
72Southern River 4.70%
73Wilson 4.70%
74Rivervale 4.60%
75Beckenham 4.50%
76Kenwick 4.50%
77Shoalwater 4.50%
78Cannington 4.45%
79Fremantle 4.40%
80Wattleup 4.40%
81Boya 4.30%
82Clarkson 4.30%
83Darlington 4.30%
84Kiara 4.30%
85Warnbro 4.30%
86Embleton 4.20%
87Woodbridge 4.20%
88Bellevue 4.10%
89Forrestfield 4.10%
90Secret Harbour 4.10%
91Balcatta 4%
92Bayswater 4%
93Huntingdale 4.00%
94Riverton 4.00%
95Ellenbrook 3.90%
96Kewdale 3.90%
97Mosman Park 3.90%
98Rockingham 3.90%
99Ascot 3.80%
100Como 3.80%
101Leda 3.80%
102Maddington 3.80%
103Salter Point 3.80%
104Spearwood 3.80%
105Success 3.80%
106Victoria Park 3.80%
107Alexander Heights 3.70%
108Glendalough 3.70%
109Kelmscott 3.70%
110Marangaroo 3.70%
111Parmelia 3.70%
112Queens Park 3.70%
113Beechboro 3.60%
114South Fremantle 3.60%
115The Vines 3.60%
116Applecross 3.50%
117Armadale 3.50%
118Bibra Lake 3.50%
119Landsdale 3.50%
120Ridgewood 3.50%
121Thornlie 3.50%
122Waikiki 3.50%
123Coolbellup 3.40%
124Doubleview 3.40%
125Mount Richon 3.40%
126Osborne Park 3.40%
127Peppermint Grove 3.40%
128Perth 3.40%
129Upper Swan 3.40%
130Walliston 3.40%
131Calista 3.30%
132Helena Valley 3.30%
133North Fremantle 3.30%
134West Swan 3.30%
135Cooloongup 3.20%
136East Fremantle 3.20%
137Golden Bay 3.20%
138Orelia 3.20%
139Kallaroo 3.10%
140Lockridge 3.10%
141Port Kennedy 3.10%
142Safety Bay 3.10%
143Shelley 3.10%
144Karrinyup 3%
145Kensington 3%
146Mount Pleasant 3.00%
147Munster 3.00%
148Quinns Rocks 3.00%
149Winthrop 3.00%
150Coolbinia 2.90%
151Ferndale 2.90%
152High Wycombe 2.90%
153Hovea 2.90%
154Leederville 2.90%
155Morley 2.90%
156Mount Lawley 2.90%
157North Beach 2.90%
158Butler 2.80%
159North Lake 2.80%
160Sorrento 2.80%
161Wandi 2.80%
162West Perth 2.80%
163Beldon 2.70%
164Craigie 2.70%
165Singleton 2.70%
166Swanbourne 2.70%
167Gooseberry Hill 2.60%
168Mindarie 2.60%
169South Perth 2.60%
170Stirling 2.60%
171Watermans Bay 2.60%
172Banksia Grove 2.50%
173Bateman 2.50%
174Cottesloe 2.50%
175Henley Brook 2.50%
176Joondalup 2.50%
177Melville 2.50%
178Scarborough 2.50%
179Coogee 2.40%
180Hamersley 2.40%
181Heathridge 2.40%
182Jane Brook 2.40%
183Maylands 2.40%
184Merriwa 2.40%
185Sinagra 2.40%
186West Leederville 2.40%
187Willetton 2.40%
188Ardross 2.30%
189Belhus 2.30%
190Canning Vale 2.30%
191Carabooda 2.30%
192Herne Hill 2.30%
193Hillman 2.30%
194Joondanna 2.30%
195Kardinya 2.30%
196Mullaloo 2.30%
197Parkerville 2.30%
198Rossmoyne 2.30%
199Tuart Hill 2.30%
200Claremont 2.20%
201East Perth 2.20%
202Floreat 2.20%
203Lynwood 2.20%
204Madeley 2.20%
205Maida Vale 2.20%
206North Perth 2.20%
207Woodlands 2.20%
208Yokine 2.20%
209City Beach 2.10%
210Darch 2.10%
211Marmion 2.10%
212Murdoch 2.10%
213Palmyra 2.10%
214Stoneville 2.10%
215Trigg 2.10%
216Attadale 2%
217Bicton 2%
218Parkwood 2.00%
219Pearsall 2.00%
220Yanchep 2.00%
221Alfred Cove 1.90%
222Ballajura 1.90%
223Banjup 1.90%
224Glen Forrest 1.90%
225Gwelup 1.90%
226Iluka 1.90%
227Inglewood 1.90%
228Lesmurdie 1.90%
229Noranda 1.90%
230Padbury 1.90%
231Tapping 1.90%
232Warwick 1.90%
233Wembley Downs 1.90%
234Innaloo 1.80%
235Kingsley 1.80%
236Subiaco 1.80%
237Carine 1.70%
238Churchlands 1.70%
239Duncraig 1.70%
240Hocking 1.70%
241Mount Hawthorn 1.70%
242Dianella 1.67%
243Roleystone 1.66%
244Dalkeith 1.60%
245Daglish 1.57%
246Bedford 1.57%
247Connolly 1.57%
248Wanneroo 1.56%
249Mount Claremont 1.55%
250Menora 1.55%
251Booragoon 1.51%
252Casuarina 1.50%
253Wembley 1.49%
254Edgewater 1.48%
255Kalamunda 1.47%
256Ocean Reef 1.46%
257Ashby 1.45%
258Nedlands 1.43%
259Hazelmere 1.40%
260Leeming 1.35%
261Mundaring 1.33%
262Woodvale 1.32%
263Mahogany Creek 1.30%
264Nowergup 1.30%
265Hillarys 1.25%
266Currambine 1.16%
267Greenwood 1.13%
268Bull Creek 1.10%
269Carramar 1.07%
270Myaree 1.00%
271Shenton Park 0.99%
272Kinross 0.96%
273Jolimont 0.90%
274Two Rocks 0.84%
275Crawley 0.80%


参与人数 2威望 +70 收起 理由
tingnishuo + 50 谢谢分享!
新澳之旅 + 20 最后20分,您辛苦了。热心人



使用道具 举报

发表于 5-9-2011 21:07:43 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-9-2011 22:10:02 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2011 22:24:07 | 只看该作者
像是在CURTIN UNI 附近,VICTORIA PARK,BENTLEY,都是眾所皆知的 BAD NAME,統計數據也支持了這一項說法。

而像 BULL CREEK (1.1%), Myaree 1.00%,Leeming 1.35% 犯罪率都算是非常的低了,大家也知道這些區的價錢----


使用道具 举报

发表于 5-9-2011 22:59:17 | 只看该作者
原帖由 西澳瓶鼻海豚 于 5-9-2011 21:24 发表
像是在CURTIN UNI 附近,VICTORIA PARK,BENTLEY,都是眾所皆知的 BAD NAME,統計數據也支持了這一項說法。

而像 BULL CREEK (1.1%), Myaree 1.00%,Leeming 1.35% 犯罪率都算是非常的低了,大家也知道這些區的價 ...

bullcreek 什么都占全了,小学中学还占着好学区,学生背景分也不错,再好只有往nedland,dalkeith,floreat等等传统好区搬了,可那边的房价就太让人吐血了。

[ 本帖最后由 fifiwoo 于 6-9-2011 00:01 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-9-2011 23:22:33 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 11:45:07 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2011 12:44:08 | 只看该作者

人說: 夜路走多~~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 16:35:02 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 17:16:51 | 只看该作者
原帖由 geozb 于 6-9-2011 08:45 发表


使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 17:21:45 | 只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言
嗯,的确很 有用的信息啊~~~纠结啊~~



使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 17:30:03 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-9-2011 18:37:17 | 只看该作者
原帖由 dejah 于 6-9-2011 16:30 发表


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2011 19:45:30 | 只看该作者

回复 #15 dejah 的帖子

網站開啟正常啊 ----
不會是你OOXX 吧?

The following table used Real Estate Institute of Western Australia data on house numbers in suburbs and police crime statistics for Perth suburbs.
For each suburb, the burglary data covers one year (March 2006 through February 2007).
This was divided by the number of houses in each suburb and multiplied by 1000 to get the number of burglaries per thousand houses.

使用道具 举报

发表于 7-9-2011 22:20:07 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 31-8-2012 14:09:36 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-8-2012 14:14:42 | 只看该作者
http://www.police.wa.gov.au/ABOU ... id/998/Default.aspx


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
西澳海豚 + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 31-8-2012 16:34:48 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-1-2013 15:36:35 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-1-2013 16:11:12 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-1-2013 20:36:07 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-1-2013 00:07:19 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-1-2013 00:13:54 | 只看该作者
bull creek 的房子 貌似降了点呀

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-1-2013 17:17:33 | 只看该作者
好像很多数据和平时人们的直观感受不太相同. 有些臭名昭著的区排名上到一般般, 比如Armadale 和 Cannington. 而一些传说中的好区数据不太理想.

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-1-2013 18:57:55 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-1-2013 19:12:03 | 只看该作者

回复 #1 西澳瓶鼻海豚 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 19-3-2013 01:01:55 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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