A: This is CN Co., Ltd. We are contacted by your real estate agent to provide connection service for your new residence, i.e. water, electricity, gas, etc. For that, we'd first of all confirm some of your personal details. Please note this phone cal is recorded for coaching and quality control purposes.这里是“马上联通公司”。您的房屋中介公司通知我们为你服务,给你的新居提供联通服务,也就是接水、接电、接煤气等等。为此,我们需要先核实一下个人信息。为保障服务质量和培训新员工,这个电话有录音。
Client: 好的,好的。OK.
A: Please spell your first name, family name. Passport number? Contact details? E mail address? And your new address, where you want the connections. Thank u! 请告你姓名、护照号、联系电话、电子邮箱,还有新家地址。
Client: *****
A: For water supply, there is not much choice. There is only one supplier - South East Water. For electricity and gas, there are three suppliers, including True Energy, Australia Power & Gas, Simply Energy. Please advise your preference. 供水方面,只有东南水务这么一家供水公司,没得选。电和气方面,有三家可选,即True Energy, Australia Power & Gas, Simply Energy三家。请告你想用哪一家?
Client: 资费情况怎么样,请介绍介绍。Tell me a bit about their rates please.
A: For electricity by True Energy, there is a one-off connection fee of $21.95, monthly service fee of $29.11, standard rate of 24.75 cents/kw. $22 charge if you leave them prematurely, that is, less than 3 yrs. Electricity bills comes once every 3 months. You pay $5 each for additional bills. As a new customer, you have 3% discount off the standard rate and further 3% discount if you pay your bills in good time. For gas supply by True Energy, the price is $1.8 per megajoules (MJ) for the first 2000 MJs, after that, it is $1.55 per MJ, and after 5000 MJs, it is 1.29 per MJ. For other companies, blablabla... When do you want the connections to commence?
True Eneryg 的电费情况是,一次性接通费21.95刀,月租费29.11,标准电价一度电24.75 分,不满三年合同期提前结束合同收取22刀。电费帐单每三月来一回,想额外打印电费单,每份另收5刀。作为新用户,你享受3%的优惠电价,按时付电费,另有3%优惠。煤气费,头2000兆焦收每兆焦1.8刀;2000-5000兆焦之间按每兆焦1.55刀收;用再多的话,按每兆焦1.29刀收。其他公司资费情况是(略)。你想哪天接通呢?
Client: 我就用True Energy吧。我想下周五接通。I want True Energy. Please connect for me on next Friday.
A: No worries. Please note that you need to place the main switch in the off position between 7 am and 7 pm this coming Friday and ensure that there is unobstructed access to the meters. 没问题。请注意,在下周五的早七时晚七时之间,新居的总电闸要放在关的位置。另外,电表水表煤气表什么的读表员应当能接触得到。
Client: 明白。不过,我发现那房里有水有电,是不是下周五之后才是我付钱?Got it. But I'd ask since I found water connection and electricity connection are current at the new house. Does it mean that usage will only be billed under my name after next Friday?
A: That is correct. 对。
Client: 那就很很地用!啊,这一句不要翻了。Thanks for the clarification.
A: Do you need landline connection? Internet connection? Do you want disconnection service for your current address? 还需不需要接电话?宽带?现址需不需要停用服务?
Client: 不用了,需要的话我们再打电话给你们,给我们留下电话。对了,有个问题,怎么给你们付费?No need for now. I'll call u up when in case of need later on. Please leave us you phone number. Hi, there is one important question, how shall we pay you?
A: You don't have to pay us. Service providers do. Dial 133466 for True Energy. 你不需要给我们付费。服务商向我们付费。True Energy 电话是133466,
Now I'll read out the terms and conditions in the contract with True Energy for you. At the end, when I ask "do you agree to the above terms and conditions?", please say "Yes, I do". 好了,我把跟True Energy公司的合同条款给您读一遍,之后,我会问你接受不接受这些条款,你回答“我同意”就可以了。
Client: 好。Good.
A:1300556325 is our number. You may call us and quote your reference No. *** if you need further assistance. That's it for today. Thank you! 我们电话是1300556325。需要更多服务请给我们打电话,并提及你的客户号****。今天就到这里。谢谢! |