从Sydney via Adelaide到Perth,准备一个人一台车走一次.据黑眼睛说,从AD 到 Perth 中途很荒凉,一个人自驾有风险。听的我一颗沉寂多年的心,开始跳动起来。面对未知,有一丝恐惧,有一丝挑衅。
别劝我,再让我放纵 ...
good on you new gay!
i took the similar return trip a decade ago with 12,000km in 16 days.
usual driving care applies, plus don't forget to top up the petrol at each roadhouse as there's no gas station in 100-200km distance.
looking forward to your safe trip & live update :-)
One hard copy of HEMA Australia map showing details of service stations,one PLB, 20 L of water, sufficient high-energy dry foods, and one (day or hiking)pack may be very useful.