3、我举了我锻炼的例子,是因为“atraveller”说的“Yoga can significantly uplift muscle tone and improve flexibility. But Yoga cannot change human physiology. No way!!! Be careful with pseudo-science.”有一点“一概而论”。但是不否认社会上很多Yoga得个样子。我和我同学都证明了,瑜伽者可以做大运动,但是在我可以跑一万米的时候,很多瑜伽动作我当时却做不来。很多大运动的准备动作其实是瑜伽动作,瑜伽是健康锻炼的必不可少的一分子,“can change human physiology" and psychology,不是“pseudo-science”, 但yoga不是健康锻炼的全部。
LZ, You probably don’t know that my research focus is on aging and skeleton system(bone, cartilage, tendon, ligament and joint, all that). I just stated a simple 医学常识in another post. I understand that you are passionate about yoga, and human physiology is not your area. I practice Yoga too.
Good luck.