Could you share some experience about how to find a settlement agent? Do you recommend someone for the pest control as well as the building inspection?
I was told better to find the better service via recommendation.
From your experience, I mean the pest control/building inspection/settlement agents, could you share a bit more details about it? Do you recommend anyone for it?
Could you share some experience about how to find a settlement agent? Do you recommend someone for the pest control as well as the building inspection?
I am in Perth too. That is why I need your advice. Still searching for the right place for the right price as you know lots of places have been overpriced.
Hope soon will find one.
Do you have anyone to recommend for the pest control/building inspection/settlement agent?
I am in Perth too. That is why I need your advice. Still searching for the right place for the right price as you know lots of places have been overpriced.
24 March,一早拿到房屋检查报告,除了一个屋檐外角有一点漏水(Inspector说去Bunnings买几刀的玻璃胶补补就好),车库外墙下面有一点霜化(可擦去),没有煤气(下次功能检查再确认)外,一切良好。
我买的这个小房子因为是比较新的房子,我当时也没有强求在购房合同上写明:Subject to building inspection(如果房屋检查有问题,可以合法退回定金,退出购房)建议购买旧房的筒子一定争取在下Offer时加上这条,保护自己的权益。
25 March,银行要求SettlementAgent提供Transfer of Land 和Settlement Statement,发邮件告诉Settlement Agent。并要求Mortgage合同Witness重签Signature(说是写得太整齐,以为是Printed Name,而不是Signature,要求用running Writing, 晕!)