发表于 24-12-2010 13:25:47
原帖由 flydragon132 于 23-12-2010 21:34 发表
哎呀 这个还是第一次听说,我有时候给 服务员一大堆 硬币,他们还说谢谢呢
根据 《1965 货币法》 , 使用硬币付款限制如下:
# 使用5分,10分,20分,50分硬币付款不超过 5 澳元
# 1澳元,2澳元硬币付款不超过 10 澳元
# 无论多小的纸币面额使用,是没有限制的
就是说商家从法律上来讲,有权利拒绝你使用太多的硬币付款;但如果你使用 5澳元的纸币去付 1万 澳元,商家有义务接受此种付款形式。
根据澳联邦储备银行的建议,此条款项只是指导性的( a guide ), 不是法律强制性的 ( legal advice )
According to the Currency Act 1965, coins are for payment of amounts which are limited as follows:
• not exceeding $5 if any of 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c coins are offered;
• not exceeding 10 times the face value if coins in the range 50c to $10 inclusive are offered; and
• to any value if coins of value greater than $10 are offered.
• no limit - bank notes
This means that shopkeepers are legally within their rights to refuse to accept eight dollars worth of twenty and fifty cent coins for a purchase. Likewise, you could be refused if you offered twenty-five dollars in one dollar coins to purchase something. However, if you offer to pay $10 000 in five dollar notes, the person is legally obliged to accept that form of payment.
[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 24-12-2010 13:26 编辑 ]