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有幾句話我非常認同, 貼出來與大家分享一下, 全文請看以下鏈接
It's not the violin, it's the violinist
If the following scenario sounds familiar, don't worry, you are not alone. A new camera is released and it has 3 more megapixels than your current body plus a few new features you may or may not use. You go online to your favorite photography forum and dozens of members claim to have placed their pre-order already. They boast that this will be light years ahead of the model you currently own. The phrase "game changer" is tossed around liberally. In scanning a few threads, the popular sentiment seems to indicate that all previous models have become worthless overnight.
如果你覺得以下的情形聽起來很熟悉, 不用擔心,你並不孤獨. 當一部新相機推出, 它比你現在的型號多300萬像素,還有一些新功能. 你在網上找到許多的帖子說他們已經預定了,新的機器會比你現在的機器先進幾個光年. 你會感覺到所有之前的機器都變成了垃圾...
you just have to buy this camera if you want to shoot like the pros.
Upgrades should only be done when you are technically limited by your current model. Instead of purchasing every new camera, wait for every third model. This will work out to roughly every three years. Use the savings to visit a nearby State or National park. This is where you will really get a chance to better your portfolio. Only by spending your time and energy on photography will you truly improve. Just as a new guitar won't turn an aspiring musician into Jimmy Page, no camera can transform you into the next Ansel Adams
升級理論上來說是要在你的現有器材限制了你的技術的時候才需要的. 相對於不停的追新機, 你可以隔代升級,大概每三年一次吧. 用省下的錢,你可以去更多的地方, 拍更多不同的照片. 你的時間和精力應該花在如何拍好照片上. 就像一個新的吉他不能把你變成Jimmy Page, 沒有一架相機能把你變成下個Ansel Adams.
"the limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are."
通俗翻譯 " 人有多大膽,地有多大產"
The next time you come across a glowing review of the latest "must-have camera", let the masses flock to it like sheep. While they are busy testing ISO noise levels with charts and debating the merits of autofocus systems, you can get back to what's really important: taking pictures.當下一次你看到關於最新一部"一定要擁有"的火熱的評測的時候, 當他們忙著測試ISO噪點及對焦系統的時候, 你可以做回你應該做的事情: 拍照!