[size=14.1667px]Regarding with point 2, I searched Chinese website and it was telling me that you can switch between 中文”多看“系统 and Kindle system by click one/two buttons, am I right?
1. Is 6" screen size big enough for reading books? Do you have choice to enlarge the book size to a comfortable level?
要看情况了, 自己试试才知道。 你说enlarge the book size什么意思? 是指字体大小吗? 字体大小可变,一般电子书格式会自动适应阅读器尺寸。例外是PDF和一些格式不佳的TXT文本,不过也都可以用工具转换
2. I read back the earlier post, someone has downloaded new Kindle 3.0.1 version, which means if K3 has updated version, even if you have already purchased it, you still can go to amazon website to download the new version, can you?
If that's the case, unless you are waiting for more lighter or smaller/bigger Kindle, then you have to wait until next model - Kindle 4 come out, otherwise for any software/system upgrade, does that mean we can always download and upgrade to a new version without purchasing a new one?
3. Is the LED light come with the leather case strong enough for reading books in the dark?
[size=14.1667px]呼PDQ, 我没买套,觉得太贵,目前裸奔没觉得什么不合适,看书就点灯看,即使是不带反光的电子纸书,窝在被窝里看也是很伤眼睛的,和以前拿手电筒在被子里看小说没啥区别。 |