标题: Ford Laser 怎么样? [打印本页] 作者: chenlocus 时间: 14-9-2010 20:49 标题: Ford Laser 怎么样? 今天一个车商给我推荐了个:
Ford, Laser, KN LXi, Sedan
不知道如何?他说维修也很便宜,不知道是不是真的。作者: Espresso 时间: 14-9-2010 21:09
ford laser = mazda 323作者: amygo 时间: 14-9-2010 21:29
I like Ford Laser. Used to own one and very reliable!作者: chenlocus 时间: 14-9-2010 22:10
I like Ford Laser. Used to own one and very reliable!
Is Ford Laser more reliable and robust than Ford Falcon?作者: amygo 时间: 14-9-2010 22:43 标题: 回复 #5 chenlocus 的帖子 Well, your question is like comparing a Mazda 3 to a Mazda 9... Laser is suitable for small family. Falcon is huge and sporty like car (drink a lot of petrol).作者: amygo 时间: 14-9-2010 22:45 标题: 回复 #4 chenlocus 的帖子 It means, Ford Laser is actually built in Japan by Mazda. If you compare Laser with Mazda 323 (not Mazda 3), you will find that they are almost identical except the boots/back section.作者: chenlocus 时间: 14-9-2010 23:19
So is Ford Laser cheaper to fix if some parts get broken?作者: Espresso 时间: 15-9-2010 19:55
ford laser 就是 mazda 323
mazda OEM 的。
至于6楼说的也未必, falcon 比 laser 百公里最多多2个油耗吧作者: wsso 时间: 15-9-2010 22:50
FORD 最多曾经拥有接近1/3的MAZD股份,FORD AUSTRLIA 门口都能看到MAZDA一些部门的牌子,最近FORD卖掉了一部分股份.
这个也是为什么FORD LASER和MAZDA323其实是一个平台的原因.作者: Espresso 时间: 15-9-2010 23:17
mazda 代产的 laser 而已
好象以前corolla 代产 holden nova一样,OEM 而已作者: sonybp 时间: 16-9-2010 10:29
The Ford Laser was a restyled version of the Familia/323 models produced by Mazda in Japan from 1980 onwards.
自己查一下wiki就行了。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Laser#KN.2FKQ_.281999_-_2003.29作者: keepdancing 时间: 28-12-2010 01:45
修车便宜的说法不假。普通保养在车行做约100,比较正常。如果是hatchback,比较能装东西,queen bed frame/bunk bed frame/washing machine什么的都能盛得下。作者: outofblue 时间: 29-12-2010 19:05
跟MAZDA323一条线上出来的 就是壳子不一样