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整个计划分成两天,第一天,驾车到Sams Way , Mountain Lagoon,停车后,徒步前往Colo Meroo Camping Area;第二天,溯溪沿colo river,从另一条路线返回Sams Way 。由于是冬季,气温较低,并且该路线是第一次走,所以,第一天晚上到达营地后,视天气和体力情况,决定第二天是沿colo river河床返回(涉水,多石,难度较高),或者翻越一座山头直接到返回路线,还是沿一天的路线原路返回。
大概2个月前,我曾经和悉尼大学的Sydney University Bushwalkers(SUBW)club成员走过一次colo river附近的两天路线,对那里的地貌有所了解,但是由于是首次组织徒步活动,所以希望有兴趣同行的朋友,都具有一定的户外经验,体力较好。
有兴趣参与的朋友,请加msn:hoopoos@163.com,或者email: hoopoos@gmail.com
Time: 2 days
Distance: 29km
Fitness: MH 中等到困难
Skill: M 中等
Ascent: 520m
Maps: LPI Mountain Lagoon 9031-III-S 1:25000
The walkers debate which bank to try, with Mt Townsend in the background
The lower Colo River is in many ways as rugged as the upper Colo. Deep pools and scrubby banks make for slow travel through spectacular country. The lower Colo is however more accessible, and civilisation closer at hand. The massive cliffs further upstream give way to more broken slopes. Passes are typically less exposed. It is a good proving ground for more remote trips.
This walk explores a section of the lower Colo by making use of two existing tracks. The track along Gospers and Mailes Ridges to Colo Meroo is separated by about 8km of challenging river from the T3 Track which ends at Tootie Creek. Joining them altogether enables a loop walk.
The walk is best in late spring or early autumn. The weather should be warm for long wades in the river, but not too hot for the ridge walks in and out.
The walk starts and finishes on Sams Way in the small town of Mountain Lagoon.
From Richmond, follow signs to Lithgow along Bells Line of Road. Take the signposted turnoff on the right to Mountain Lagoon at Bilpin after about 28km. Follow Mountain Lagoon Rd for about 13km to Mountain Lagoon where it ends. Turn left into Sams Way and follow for a bit over 1 km to where a fire trail branches off north. Park your car here.
Track notes
From 11 Sep 1999, last checked 11 Sep 1999
From Sams Way, head north along the fire trail for 400 m to a fork in the trail and a locked gate. The left hand branch is the T3 Track, which you will return on. The right hand branch is the Gospers Ridge Track. Take the right hand branch and follow it. After a short steep hill, the fire trail swings roughly east for about 2km, and then roughly north east for about 1.5 km. After another 1.5 km heading roughly east you should reach a track junction at about AGD846985. By this stage the fire trail is more like a wide foot track. The right branch continues down Gospers Ridge to Upper Colo, so take the left branch which swings north on to Mailes Ridge.
Continue north on a foot track along Mailes Ridge. After a couple of kilometres the ridge starts to narrow, and there are great views of the sand banks in the Colo River several hundred metres below from numerous vantage points.
At the end of the ridge, the track descends steeply to a 4WD trail. Turn left and a short walk brings you to the pleasant Colo Meroo Camping Area. There is a large shelter and a pit toilet.
An early start is needed on the second day as the going upstream in the river can be fairly slow. Head directly down to the river from the camping area as the 4WD trail ends shortly at a locked gate. It is possible but slow to make your way along the bank. Better is simply to wade in the river. Volleys or light sandshoes will come in handy here, although they will fill up with sand regularly. It is also possible to walk in bare feet, but I suggest taping the tender parts of your feet to avoid blisters.
For the first 5km south to the big bend, the Colo is mostly shallow and sandy. The river is dotted with large sandbanks, and deep pools are uncommon and easily avoided. The occasional foray on to the bank is required. As is typical in the Colo, there is plenty of Colo quicksand. The type where your foot goes in 30cm more than you expect and you tip over into the water aided by your pack. A stick or pole can be useful to prevent this.
As you round the big bend and swing north, the river gets deeper. There are still numerous sandbanks, but the pools between them are more frequent, and often chest deep or more. There are three sets of rapids to bypass, adjacent to three successive creeks that enter the Colo from the west. The first is about 1km upstream from the big bend. The water is usually deep near the rapids, and longer excursions on to the banks may be required. This is slow going as the banks are scrubby.
The fourth set of rapids marks the Tootie Creek junction. This is where you will leave the river. Head upstream on Tootie Creek for about 100 m and turn left (south west) up the ridge. You should be able to pick up the T3 Track. If not, keep to the crest of the ridge and continue steeply up and you will eventually hit the track. After 2 km of steep climbing you will reach the fire trail, which you can follow back to your car.
[ 本帖最后由 hoopoos 于 14-9-2010 10:41 编辑 ] |