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[entertainment] Top 10 most confusing films

发表于 25-8-2010 13:34:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Sebastian Cordoba  August 25, 2010 - 12:07AM

After attending a recent screening of Inception I was not only rewarded with a great motion picture but what can only be described as an eavesdropper’s delight.

In my walk towards the exit I overheard a cacophonous choir of curious moviegoers puzzled by the preceding events. In their attempt to make sense of the labyrinthine tale many looked for support to their fellow cinemagoer. Questions like; Was it all a dream? Who was the old guy at the start? What was the train about? Why was Leo on a beach? How could that guy change his face? all echoed across the cinema in desperate search for an answer.

This level of bafflement and discussion is rarely seen nowadays as film makers feel the need to spoon feed us in the belief that we are mindless drones willing to consume anything that does not require any brain power. Cinema has a glorious legacy of perplexing audiences by serving up inaccessible pieces of entertainment that seem to both challenge and enthral us with their mystery.

In honour of this great tradition we have looked back at some of the most confusing films in recent memory. Each of these movies has fueled hours of discussion but for the most part continue to bewilder us all and keep us coming back hoping we will finally solve the puzzle, but maybe some questions are never meant to be answered. Let us know if there are any films we missed out on.

10. Primer
This tale of backyard time traveling becomes so convoluted that even after several viewings you’ll find yourself wondering what just happened.

9. Don’t Look Now
Great film but can someone explain the ending? I’ve heard many theories but none that really make any sense.

8. Southland Tales
I might be alone here but I loved this apocalyptic movie from the director of Donnie Darko. I’ve seen it several times and still don’t fully understand what’s going on.

7. I Heart Huckabees
This philosophical comedy needs to come with a reading pack.

6. Vanilla Sky
Confusing or simply lazy plotting? You decide.

5. Synecdoche, New York
I didn’t get it…there I said it.

4. The Matrix Revolutions
I don’t know if I didn’t get what was happening or was so disappointed by the Messiah subtext of this final chapter that I chose to dismiss it as simply confusing. Either way a horrible way to finish a great series.

3. Mulholland Drive and any other David Lynch film
I love Lynch but I have long given up working out what his films are about and just sit back and enjoy the disturbingly hypnotic ride.

2. Donnie Darko
The director’s cut unnecessarily clarified many questions but my theory is that the film makes perfect sense if every time they mention time travel, they’re actually talking about a parallel universe. Thoughts?

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
The film does make more sense after several viewings and catching up on forty years of discussion but I have yet to meet someone who got it on their first viewing. The confusing film by which all are judged.



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 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2010 13:37:35 | 只看该作者

I'd like to add one,...

that is, Memento(2000) - the first time I watched it, I almost thought I was suffering a short-term memory loss myself...

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发表于 25-8-2010 13:50:49 | 只看该作者
Shutter island也应该排进去吧。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2010 14:06:45 | 只看该作者

回复 #3 hobtack 的帖子

A most definitely Yes - a mate of mine still argues with me on whether DiCaprio's character was cured or not in the end each time he visits me...

[ 本帖最后由 funnybird 于 25-8-2010 13:08 编辑 ]

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发表于 25-8-2010 19:44:17 | 只看该作者

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