回复 #1 saltlake98 的帖子
关于你能否领到FTB partB:可以。你属于two parents family with one main income,具体规定如下:The parent earning the higher amount earns $150,000 or less for that financial year. If the primary earner's income is under that limit, an income test is then applied to the parent earning the lower amount. The parent earning the lower amount can earn up to $4,672 for the financial year before it reduces the rate of Family Tax Benefit Part B payable。
关于你能拿到多少FTB partB:
Maximum Rates of Family Tax Benefit Part B
Under 5 years $136.36 $3,555.10
5-15 years (or 16-18 years if a full-time student) $95.06 $2,478.35
Single, 1 or 2 children $133.28 (房租超过 $310.57/2周)
Single, 3 or more children $150.64 (房租超过$333.71 /2周)
Couple, 1 or 2 children $133.28 (房租超过$374.27 /2周)
Couple, 3 or more children $150.64 (房租超过$397.41 /2周)
FTB partA+B 加上房租补,总共大概是388元/2周,如果你的孩子是5岁以上了。 |