Agile Software Development, by Robert C Martin. 看一本足矣。那本书内容其实很浅,如果楼主有过两三年工作经验的话,1,2天就能搞定了。
Agile的变种很多,但是楼主为了面试的话只要熟悉一种即可,譬如说Scrum,你就说它的小特点点:每天开小会,然后面试官看你知道了基本不会太深入问。然后general Agile 概念,可以敞开聊的,最好准备个,譬如说pair programing。1. knowledge transfer to reduce the risk 2. mind reading to make team member more familiar with each other's skill 3. Teach and learn.( The senior is not necessary the teacher and the junior may also teach senior at some points) 4. Force the "playing" of professionalism -- usually it is the matter of one's attitude rather than tech skills to decide the quality of code 5. May less efficient than normal 1-person based programing so only suitable when your desk is quiet 6. May receive teamwise objection