然后就是切割了。尺寸千万要量准,切少了可以再切一点,切多了就得重买新的了。工具在切台面时很重要,我买的都是便宜的DIY工具,自带的钻头和锯条都对付不了Made in Germany的强力复合木板,到底是质保25年的啊。再去Bunnings买了专门对付Lamington的钻头和锯条,才能切开台面。切割比较费时间,木屑极多,要戴口罩,以及其他防护。DIY的工具不容易切好,我也没辅助工具,幸好挖坑之类的对精度要求不高,挖好以后水槽和cooktop都顺利放进去了。谢天谢地!
You need a strip from IKEA to connect two benchtop. It's not easy to cut so accuratly. If you buy from bunnings, they should provide other solution to achieve this.
You need a strip from IKEA to connect two benchtop. It's not easy to cut so accuratly. If you buy from bunnings, they should provide other solution to achieve this.