Hey, you have been pushing the powerful button all the time to make us all either laugh or cry, it's all your call.
We are feeding back to you on how great you have been doing in FreeOz, even though we were under impression that you were not fond of the idea of us singing your praises!
Please be advised, we all have been the beneficiaries (受惠者) from what you have been doing and your exceptional talent, please carry on with it and continue to show us your passion!
Wish you a fantastic trip in WA!
Please keep us all posted on your West-bound traveling diary (西游记)! My special acknowledge to @ubuntuhk here, I stole his idea of calling @指纹 's WA trip this!
跑到目的住宿地已经晚上九点了,事前打过电话,于是按照指示,找到caravan park office附近的小卖部,门口看了看有一个储物箱,打开之后找到一信封,上面儿写着:指纹,噢,不对,他们不知道我叫指纹,是我的名字拼音,拿起来一掂量挺沉,打开后一把钥匙,和一个手绘的如何到达住处的地图,黑灯瞎火的,阴天,也没有月亮,开着车在附近兜了仨圈儿,才找到地方,还差点儿陷到沙地里面。