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[entertainment] 贴点网球词汇

发表于 29-1-2009 23:57:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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lawn tennis 草地网球运动
grass court 草地网球场
racket 球拍
racket press 球拍夹
gut, string (球拍的)弦
fluke, set-up, easy 机会球
wide 打出边线的球
love game 一方得零分的一局
double fault 双误, 两次发球失误
‘not up’, 两跳,还击前球着地两次
service line 发球线
fore court 前场
back court 后场
centre mark 中点
  General Terms 一般词汇
  manager 经纪人
  instructor 教练,技术指导
  guide 领队
  trainer 助理教练
  referee, umpire (网球。棒球)裁判
  contestant, competitor, player 运动员
  professional 职业运动员
  amateur 业余运动员,爱好者
  enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者
  favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)
  outsider 无取胜希望者
  championship 冠军赛,锦标赛
  champion 冠军
  record 纪录
  record holder 纪录创造者
  ace 网球赛中的一分
  court 网球场
  team, side 队
  球 tennis
  草地球场 grass court
  拍面 blade of racket
  场外地区 out court
  中线 centre service line
  木板场地 wooden court
  拍柄 handle of racker
  网球衣 tennis togs
  网柱 pole
  网球鞋 tennis shoes
  球面 surface of ball
  发球区 service area
  发球得分 ace
  水泥球场 cement court
  中心布带 centre band
  单数局 advantage(ad) court
  室内场地 covered court
  上网 advance to the net
  控制落点得分球 ace placement
  发球佔先 advantage in
  盘末平局 advantage game
  接球佔先 advantage out
  再平分 Again
  抽出角度来 angle the drive
  上网 approach the net
  试图击球 attempt a stroke
  沥青球场 asphait court
  后场打法 backcourt play
  后场球员 backcourt player
  后挡 background
  反手握拍法 backhand grip
  反手扣杀 backhand smash
  反手击球 backhand
  左场区 backhand court

--  网球英语词汇
网球场 : tennis court 球网 : net
网柱 : net-post 单打支柱 : singles stick
底线 : base line 边线 : side line
单打边线 : singles side line 双打边线 : doubles side line
发球线 : service line 发球区 : service court
中点 : centre mark 发球中线 : centre service line
左发球区:the left service court 右发球区:the right service court
中心拉带 : strap 看台 : stand
中场 : midcourt 硬地球场 : hard court
草地球场 : grass court 土地球场 : clay court
红土球场 : red clay court 练习场 : practice court
比赛场 : match court 单打球场 : singles court
双打球场 : doubles court 固定物 : permanent fixtures
塑胶球场 : synthetic court 沥青球场 : asphalt court
水泥球场 : concret court 毯式球场 : carpet court
挡网 : back and side stops 记分牌 : scoreboard
发球器 : ball machines 网球墙 : tennis wall
网球 : ball 穿弦机 : tennis stringer
推水器 : court squeegee 避震器 : vibration dampening device
球夹 : ball clip 缠把 : grip
网球拍 : racket 拍颈 : throat
拍面 : racket face 大拍面: oversize
中拍面: midplussize 中拍面: midsize
拍柄 : handle 拍柄粗细 : grip size
甜点 : sweet spot 网球鞋 : tennis shoes
网球帽 : cap 网球裙 : skirt
拍弦 : string 拍框 : frame
拍弦的磅数 : tension 力量级别 : power level
击球类型 : stroke style 旋转速度 :ng speed
硬度 : stiffness 控制 : control
平衡点 : balance 拍弦类型 : string pattern
横穿弦 : crosses 竖穿弦 : mains
拍头尺寸 : head size 球拍长度 : length
拍框厚度 : construction 材料构成 : composition
碳纤维 : graphite 玻璃纤维 : fiberglass
钛金属 : titaniom

握拍法 : grip 东方式握拍 : eastern grip
西方式握拍 : western grip 大陆式握拍 : continented grip
正手击球 : fore hand 反手击球 : back hand
正手挥拍 : forehandngs 单手反手击球 : one-hander backhand
反手挥拍 : backhandngs 双手反手击球 : two-hander backhand
环状引拍 : circular bacng 直线引拍 : flat bacng
平击球 : flat 抽球: drive
上旋球 : top spin 下旋球 : back spin
发球 : service or serve 抛球 : ball toss
炮弹式发球 : cannon ball 第一发球 : first serve
第二发球 : second serve 截击 : volley
正手截击 : forehand volley 反手截击 : backhand volley
高压球 : overhead smash 挑高球 : deferssive lab
接发球 : received 正手削球 : slice forehand
反手削球 : slice backhand 正手上旋球 :forehand top spin
正手平击球 : forehand flat 正手下旋球 :forehand back spin
反手上旋球 : backhand top spin 反手平击球 : backhand flat
反手下旋球 : backhand back spin 放小球 : drop shot
直线球 : down the line shot 斜线球 : crosscourt shot
击球点 : contact point 长球 : long ball
深球 : deep ball 击落地球 : ground stroke
击反弹球 : half volley 进攻 : attack
落点 : placement 攻击球 : forcing shot
开放式站位 : open stance 关闭式站位 : closed stance
随挥 : finish 步法 : foot work
转体 : nip rotation 拍面角度 : vertical face
上网型球员 : net player 底线型球员 : base-line player
国际网球联合会 : international tennis federation ( itf )
国际男子职业网球协会 : association tennis professional ( atp )
国际女子职业网球协会 : women's tennis association ( wta )
温布尔顿大赛 : wimblendon
美国公开赛 : u.s. open
法国公开赛 : french open
澳洲公开赛 : austria open
戴维斯杯 : davis cup
联合会杯 : federation cup
霍普曼杯 : hopmen cup
超九赛 : super 9.
大满贯 : grand slam
锦标赛 : championship
脚误 : foot fault 犯规 : fault shot
发球直接得分 : ace 发球失误 : fault
双误 : double fault 重发 : let
擦网 : let 重赛 : replay
发球无效 : the let in service 活球期 : ball in play
失分 : to lose point 得分 : to win point
压线球 : ball falls on line 出界 : out
没看见 : unsighted 手势 : hands signal
摔球拍 : abuse of raquet 警告 : warning
罚分 : point penalty 两跳 : not up
意外干扰 : invasion 休息时间 : rest period
身体触网 : body touch 更换新球 : ball change
挑边 : toss 单局数 :an add number of game
双局数 : an even number of game 准备练习 : warm-up
分 : point 局 : game
盘 : set 局点 : game point
盘点 : set point 赛点 : match point
破发点 : break point 0分 : love
15分 : fifteen 30分 : thirty
40分 : forty 15平 : fifteen all
平分 : deuce 占先 : advantage
发球占先 : advantage server 接发球占先 :advantage receiver
单打 : singles 双打 : doubles
混双 : mixed doubles 交换发球 : change service
交换场地: change sides 三盘两胜 : the best of three
五盘三胜 : the best of five 预赛 : qualifying matches
第一轮 : the first round 四分之一决赛 : quarterfinals
半决赛 : semifinals 决赛 : final
平局决胜制 : tiebreak 长盘制 : advantage set
抢7局 : tie-break 外卡 : wild card ( wc )
种子选手 : seeded players 正选选手 : main draw players
轮空 : bye 比赛开始前弃权 : withdraw
比赛中弃权 : retired ( ret ) 准备 : ready
比赛开始 : play ball 名次 : ranking
主裁判 : chair umpaire 司网裁判 : net ,cord judge
司线员 : linesmen 球童 : ball boy (ball kids)
脚误裁判 : foot fault judge
单打比赛 :the singles game (men's,women's)
双打比赛 : the doubles game 挑战赛 : challenger
希望赛 : futures 邀请赛 : invitational match
卫星赛 : satellite 元老赛 : veterans\\\' match
青少年赛 : junior match 表演赛 : exhibition
公开赛 : open 友谊赛 : friendly match
资格赛 : qualifying competition 正选赛 : main draw match
外围赛 : qualifier match 国际排名 : international ranking
国内排名 : national ranking 赛制 : tournament systems
循环赛制 : singles round robin 淘汰制 : elimination system
inside out
当球手正手打出朝右走的斜线球,这就是 inside out

Player 球员
one of the people involved in playing a game, e.g. tennis player or football player 参与比赛的人,比如网球运动员或者足球运动员
Singles 单打比赛
a two-player game 一场有两个人参加的比赛
Doubles 双打比赛
a four-player game 一场有四人参加的比赛
Serve 发球
a point begins with a player serving the ball. This means one player hits the ball towards the other player. (The serve must be played from behind the baseline and must land in the service box. Players get two attempts to make a good serve.)
Server 发球方
the player who hits the ball first for each point in a game 一局比赛中为得每一分而首先击球的球员
Receiver 接球方
the player who hits the ball back after a serve 接发球将球击回(对方场地)的球员
Ends 端区
each side of the court (that begins with a baseline) 球场的每一边(从底线开始)
Baseline 底线
the line marking the front and back of a tennis court 划分一个网球场前场与后场的线
Net 球网
the piece of material down the middle of the tennis court that divides the court in half 网球场中央将球场一分为二的材料
Sideline 边线
the left and right edges of a tennis court 网球场的左右两边的界限
Bounce 反弹
when a tennis ball hits the ground, it goes back into the air - the ball has bounced. During a match, the ball often becomes less bouncy and needs changing for a new ball 网球击中地面后弹回到空中 - 也就是球反弹。在比赛中,球的反弹力会越来越弱,需要换新球。
Ball boy/girl 球童(男/女)
professional tournaments use young boys or girls to collect tennis balls during a game 专业锦标赛使用少年男孩或女孩在比赛中捡球
Ball change 更换新球
in tournaments the balls are changed after a certain number of games to ensure they stay as bouncy as possible 在锦标赛中每几局比赛过后就会换新球,以确保球保持尽可能好的反弹性能
Service box 发球区
the area where players serve into 球员发球的落点区

Game 局
a player wins a game if, generally, they are the first player to win four points 通常来讲,首先获得四分的球员也就获得了一局比赛的胜利。
Set 盘
Generally, the first player to win six games wins a set 通常,首先赢得六局比赛胜利的球员也就获得了一盘比赛的胜利。
Match 比赛
Usually, in men's tennis, the first player to win three sets wins the match. In women's tennis, the first player to win two sets wins the match 一般来讲,在男子网球中,先赢得三盘比赛的球员赢得整个比赛的胜利。在女子网球中,首先获胜两盘的球员赢得比赛的胜利。
Deuce (局末)平分
if a score gets to 40-40, the score is called deuce - at this stage, the winner of the game is the first player to now win two points in a row
Tiebreak 决胜局 (或‘抢七局')
if both players win 6 games each then there is a tie-break. In a tiebreak, the first player to win seven points, wins the tiebreak (note: like deuce, if both players get to six points, then the winner is the player who now wins two points in a row)
Love 零分
a score of zero points in a game or zero games in a set 在一局或一盘比赛中得零分。
Match point 赛点
a player who only needs one more point to win the match is said to be at match point 当一个球员只需要再得一分就会获得整个比赛的胜利时,他被称为处在赛点。
All 平,双方都
indicates the scores are level. For example, ‘15 all' means that both players have a score of 15 表示得分相等。例如,‘15 all'15平,意思是双方得分都是15。
Fault 失误
a serve which hits the net and / or lands outside the service box 发球触网或者球落在发球区之外。
Foot fault 脚误
this happens when a server's foot touches the ground in front of the baseline or the wrong side of the centre mark (on the baseline) before the player hits the ball
Let 触网球
when a serve hits the top of the net and lands within the service box, it is known as a 'let' and the server must serve again

Down-the-line 边线直线球
a shot that travels parallel to and along the sideline 与边线平行并且靠近边线飞行的球。
Drive 抽球
a hard, straight shot often used to pass an opponent at the net 大力、直线击球,常被用来使球越过处在网前的对手。
Drop shot 放小球
a gently played shot that just gets over the net so the other player can't reach it 轻巧的击球,使球刚刚越过球网从而使得对手来不及赶上来回球。
Ground stroke 击触地球
a shot that is made after the ball has bounced 在球触地反弹之后的击球。
Half-volley 反弹球
a shot hit just as the ball bounces 在球落地反弹后立即回击的击球。
Lob 高吊球
a shot played deliberately high into the air to land at the back of the opponent's court
Rally 对打
the exchange of shots between players. A rally starts when the receiver returns serve and ends when the point is won 两个球员之间的来回击球。'对打'从接球员回球开始,到一方得分为止。
Smash 高压球
an overhead shot hit very hard, usually before the ball has bounced 过顶大力击球,通常是在球落地反弹之前。
Stop volley 截停球
a shot that slows the ball down a lot and makes it drop just over the net with very little bounce 使球速大减、刚好过网、并极少反弹的击球。

The player posted his first win 这个球员赢得了他的第一个胜利。
this means that a player has won their first match 这是指一个球员赢得了第一场比赛的胜利。
Convert a point 获得一分
this means that the player won that point 这是指一个球员赢了那一分。
The courts were slow 球场很慢
this means the tennis balls did not travel as fast after they hit the ground 这指的是网球在击中地面之后速度不是很快。
I fancy my chances 我看好我的机会
a player thinks he has a good chance of winning a match against an opponent 一个球员认为他很有机会战胜对手。
The underdog 不被看好的一方
the player that is expected to lose 预计会输的球员。
Hang on in the match 将比赛撑下去
continued to win points to stay in the match even though it looked like the player should lose 继续得分使比赛延续下去,尽管看上去该球员会输掉比赛。

S/he will win because they are hungry for the title 她/他会赢,因为他们渴望摘取桂冠。
if you say this you think that the player really wants to win the title 如果你这样说的话,那么你认为该球员真切希望获得冠军头衔。
My favourite is out 我钟爱的球员已经出局
the person you really wanted to win has lost their match and is out of the tournament 你真心希望获胜的球员已经输掉了比赛,而且已经被淘汰出比赛。
The player is at his peak 该球员处在他的巅峰
if you say a player is at their peak, you mean they are playing at their very best 如果你说一个球员处在巅峰,你是说他们打出了他们的最好水平。
Goran is a legend!! 戈兰是一个传奇人物!
you think this player is very, very good 你认为这个球员非常、非常棒。
Don't write that player off 不要认定那个球员没戏
you think that a player still has a chance of winning, even if they are not playing well 你认为某个球员仍然有获胜的机会,即使他们发挥得不好。
The player has been given an easy draw 这个球员得到了一个上上签。
this means that the player only has to play against easy opponents to get to the final 这是指该球员在通往决赛的道路上只会遭遇容易对付的对手。
That player is out of form 那个球员状态失常
that player is not playing well 那个球员打得不好。


Daily schedule 日程安排
Players  比赛选手
Rankings  排名
Scoreboard 记分板
Schedule & Results  比赛安排与结果
Stat 技术统计
Men's Singles 男单
Women's Singles 女单
Men's Doubles 男双
Women's Doubles 女双
Mixed 混双
seeds 种子选手
First Round 第一轮
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
semifinal 半决赛
final 决赛


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
guojf + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-2-2009 00:10:40 | 只看该作者
澳洲公开赛 : austria open
Australia Open

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-2-2009 00:12:17 | 只看该作者
Let 触网球
when a serve hits the top of the net and lands within the service box, it is known as a 'let' and the server must serve again

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2009 18:06:24 | 只看该作者
ALL  常聽到,是平手。

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