作者:Simon wxm
在纽省,是商业部属下的公平贸易办事处,NSW Office of Fair Trading
1 Fitzwilliam Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia
Tel: 61 2 9895 0111 Fax: 61 2 9895 0222
TTY: 61 2 9338 4943
在堪培拉,是属于司法及社区安全部,ACT Office of Fair Trading
Ground Floor Shopfront,12 Moore Street (cnr Moore and Rudd Streets),CANBERRA CITY
Postal address: GPO Box 158, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601
Telephone no : (02) 6207 0400
Facsimile no is: (02) 6207 0538
Business hours: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
在昆省,是隶属于旅游,公平贸易及酒类工业部,QLD Office of Fair Trading
联系地址较多,参见http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.a ... ent&L1=About+Us
在塔斯马尼亚, 是隶属于司法及产业关系部,Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading
Address GPO Box 1244, Hobart 7001
Phone 1300 65 44 99
Fax (03) 6233 4882
E-Mail consumer.affairs@justice.tas.gov.au
Web Address: www.justice.tas.gov.au/newca/index.htm
在西澳,是Department of Consumer and Employment Protection,(呵呵,没有看到什么办事处)
219 St. Georges Terrace, Perth Western Australia 6000
Postal Address:Locked Bag 14,Cloisters Square Western Australia 6850
General Advice Line: 1300 30 40 54 (cost of a local call)
Phone: +61 8 9282 0777
Fax: +61 8 9282 0850
TTY: +61 8 9282 0800
Email: consumer@docep.wa.gov.au 以及 http://www.docep.wa.gov.au/
在北领地,是隶属于司法部,Consumer & Business Affairs
Location (Darwin): 1st Floor, Minerals House, 66 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800
Postal Address: GPO Box 1722, Darwin NT 0801
Week days 8:00am to 4:30pm and weekends 9:00am to 4:00pm
Toll Free: 1800 019 319 (within Northern Territory only)
Website: www.caba.nt.gov.au
在南澳,是隶属于总检察长办公室, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA)
Level 4, Chesser House,91 - 97 Grenfell Street,Adelaide SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000
PO Box 1719, Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: (08) 8204 9777
Facsimile 08) 8204 9769
E-mail: metro.cab@agd.sa.gov.au
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (except public holidays)
在投诉前,尽可能收集当初上当受骗时的文字材料,如对方的广告、报价单、合同之类的。实在没有,就搞特工那套,来个录音。呵呵,虽然不一定可以作为证据。但是可以让对方知道,他们遇到对手了,害人的人一般总是心虚的哦! |