The fee is non-refundable and subject to change without notification.
Australian Recent Graduate Assessment A$360
Skills Assessment A$400
RPL Assessment A$450
Members A$200* (This is for those who are current professional grade members)
Appeal A$300
Re-validation A$200 (Revalidation is an extension of your positive assessment, with the current date)
Payment may only be made in Australian Currency in one of the following methods:
Cheque/Money order/International bank draft
我理解money order 或者international bank draft应该就是汇票的意思吧?
These should be made payable to The Australian Computer Society.
Credit card
Major credit cards are acceptable: Visa Card, Mastercard, American Express and Australian Bank Card (not eftpos card)
Those who pay by Credit Card are warned that should the bank decline the transaction, alternative method of payment must be arranged. Credit card payment will not be acceptable in this instance. Your processing time will pause until a new payment (via another form) is made. If you are overseas, you should contact your bank about any special arrangements.
International fund transfer/Direct deposit
If you wish to pay by transfer, our account details are as follows:
Bank Branch Commonwealth Bank
Corner Liverpool & Castlereagh Streets, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
Bank Branch Number (BSB) 062 - 017
Account Name Australian Computer Society Inc. Council Account
Account Number 80 - 1049
If paying by transfer, please be sure to include the applicant' s surname in the Remitter Details of your payment advice so that it can be easily traced in our records. You are advised failure to provide this will result in delays to your processing time. Please also include a copy of transfer paperwork/evidence in the application as proof of payment.
[ 本帖最后由 老菜 于 29-6-2009 13:44 编辑 ] |