The 2008/09 ACT Skills in Demand list will close on 30 June 2009.
Applications received by this office after 30 June 2009 will be held over and assessed against the new 2009/10 sponsorship criteria when it is published in August 2009.
Please note, your nominated occupation may not be on the 2009/10 Skills in Demand list.
19日确认南澳州担保,20日收到Form 1100 Notification Email for me,21日writting to notify DIAC that I wish to have my application assessed under the skilled-sponsored visa.回复西澳和维省已接受南澳提名,表示感谢。电邮昆士兰,不必再处理我的提名申请。
Please include the following line in all replies.Tracking number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s General Skilled Migration program. Systems records show that the State/Territory Nomination submitted in support of your application has been received and approved. Your current 175 application will be assessed under the 176 criteria and your application will be allocated to a case officer shortly. Please note there may be a delay before an officer contact you regarding this application. We appreciate your patience in this matter. For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please refer to our website using the following link
Yours sincerely,
Department of Immigration and Citizenship