律师 你好
我的中介于2008年12月份提交的 175申请,是纸签,但是现在都3月份了,我还不知道自己的file number。
不知道有人遇到这样的情况么 ?
“Thank you for your patient, I emailed the Adelaide GSM office on 6/03/2009 to follow up your application, the Department responded me automatically on the same day regarding the email being received, please refer to a copy of both email attached for reference, We also completed on line enquiry form on 11/02/2009, so far I have received no further information from the Adelaide office yet.
Please also keep it in mind that due to the economic down turn, the Australian government has released new information which will affect the processing time of the General Skilled Migration (GSM) Application, I have attached an email sent from the Migration Institute of Australia regarding the current new arrangement for the GSM applications for your reference. In fact, this information can be found from the Department’s website.
Regarding whether your application will be considered as an e-lodgement, before the submission of this application, I contacted the Adelaide office several times, I have also forwarded emails sent by the relevant person from the Adelaide office for your reference, which you may refer to the email for further details. I hope the Adelaide office will keep their promised.
If there is any further information, I will keep you informed.
我现在还有一个 E175在pool里面,没有撤回,所以我的中介无法第二次申请时使用电签,于是询问过移民局后,对方说,先纸签,随后在按照电签的待遇处理(我以前的帖子中曾经说过)。那也不至于到现在,连个确认的信都没有吧 ?
现在这样的情况 我能做什么? 就像我中介说的 她填的那张在线询问的表格,一般移民局多久会有正式的回复? |