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State & Territory Nominated Applications:
Subclass 134, 136, 137, 175, 176, 475, 487, 495, 885 and 886 applications
(processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination
is held) will all be allocated to case officers for assessment by 13
February 2009.
1:如果括号里面的(processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination is held) 是用来形容所有的Subclass 134, 136, 137, 175, 176, 475, 487, 495, 885 and 886 applications,那么很显然,136,175,885等类别都不可能有什么担保.
那么我回头把括号里面的(processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination is held) 的词语只是用来形容最后一个类别886 applications,倒还符合,因为886是亲属担保或者洲担保类的.
但是,又有一个问题了.如果括号里面的只用来形容"886 applications",那么前面所有的subclass都能在2月13日前分好VO 吗???
这句话:Subclass 134, 136, 137, 175, 176, 475, 487, 495, 885 and 886 applications
里面的136, 175,885等不含担保的应该通通删除。
我估计这才是原意,但不知道他们怎么措辞的。 |