News Flash from the Migration Institute of Australia:
Advice on $100,000 designated investment
The National Office of the MIA has been conferring with DIAC on the Designated Investment issue to obtain advice on resolving the impasse on this matter. We are now pleased to be able to provide the advice we have received.
As many of you are aware, there are currently many GSM applicants who have claimed 5 bonus points by declaring their willingness to make the specified $100,000 investment, but whose applications are languishing in limbo because the four state government authorities have withdrawn from the designated security scheme. The four authorities are: New South Wales Treasury Corporation; Queensland Treasury Corporation; South Australian Government Financing Authority; Northern Territory Treasury Corporation.
It is still possible for those visa applicants to make the $100,000 investment in one of those designated securities, without waiting for a letter from DIAC inviting them to make the investment.
DIAC advice is that if an applicant wants to pursue the option of claiming the 5 bonus points for a designated security, the applicant must show evidence that the investment meets the requirements of Regulation 2.26(2):
•- the investment matures in not less than 1 year from the date of issue;
•- repayment of the principal is guaranteed by the issuing authority;
•- the investment in the security cannot be transferred or redeemed before maturity except by operation of law or under other conditions acceptable to the Minister [there are currently no such conditions identified];
•- the investment in the security is open to the general public at commercially competitive rates
•- the Ministers is satisfied that the Commonwealth will not be exposed to any liability as a result of the investment