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[language study] Urban Dictionary 另类字典帮助你理解常规字典查不到的俚语

发表于 18-5-2008 11:25:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Urban Dictionary 另类字典帮助你理解常规字典查不到的俚语





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 楼主| 发表于 18-5-2008 11:28:24 | 只看该作者



1.          aussie         
        874 up, 267 down        

A cobber from the awsome race we call Australians. He or she is likely to excell in all kinds of sports, drinking beer, talking the ear of a grasshopper or just being a plain old funny prick.

The aussie who didn't give a **** what other countries talk shit about, drank 45 beers after watching the footy.
by Benno Jun 10, 2003 email it
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2.         aussie        
        595 up, 125 down        

An Australian. One that lives in Australia.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!
by markuz Brisbane, Australia Jul 28, 2005 email it
3.         aussie        
        363 up, 96 down        

one born or from the Australian region

I'm an aussie mate, I don't do that kind of shite you do here in America.
tags australian fag bitch pussy dickhead
by Eric Bolding Your mamas Dec 20, 2005 email it
4.         aussie        
        304 up, 66 down        

A Person from Australia, who:
-Likes beer (but doesn't drink fosters)
-Conistently beats the English at all sports
-Is used to good weather, and hates the uk weather
-Thinks the Kiwi's shag sheep
-Doesn't claim Russel Crowe as an aussie
-Thinks beer is the aussie equivalent of a health drink
-Thinks the English, and 'Tasweigens' (Tasmanians) are in-bred

Aussie's are... who cares, pass me a beer.
tags kiwi beer sport english russel crowe
by adrian1986 Australia Nov 6, 2006 email it
5.         Aussie        
        95 up, 33 down        

Nowadays used to describe an Australian of Anglo and/or Caucasian/White appearance or background. I am a Sydney-Sider and this view is most prominent in the youth. But in saying this I cannot speak with absolute certainty whether this perception is Australian wide (Although I have friends and relatives in every State and Territory who are aware of this view). I personally resent this label as a way of identifying the "Anglo/White" community as, I myself come from a Latino background but was BORN and BRED here in Australia and feel as much "aussie" as any other Australian! Australia is a multicultural country and no matter our background/race we are ALL the same nationality! When we go overseas and tell people our nationality we say we are AUSSIE and this is how the rest of the world sees us, AS AUSSIES!!!

1) You ask ANY kid of ANY background who is a aussie and they will tell you someone who is most likely of "first fleet/convict" descent or a "White person" who's close to it. We also use the term "natio/nasho" to ask each other what background we are, when in fact most of us are ALL the same nationality(natio/nasho) which is aussie
2) The older generations will most likely know what you are talking about but do not share the same critical belief that only "White/Anglo" people are aussies as our parents have a stronger sense of being an "aussie"
3) If Australians as a community need to have a way of identifying so-called "Aussies" I think we should reclaim the less common word "Skip" so aussie can be inclusive to all backgrounds
4) No matter whether you be a Latino, African, Fob, Abo, Azn or Wog we are all aussie!
tags anglo australian multicultural society nationality white australian policy is abolished!
by Ricco Chico Sydney, Australia Aug 10, 2007 email it
6.         aussie        
        45 up, 21 down        

Typically a shortened version of the word Australian. An Australian citizen is usually called an Aussie, sadly, this usually refers to the white, anglosaxen australian when talking about the Stereotypical "aussie".
Stereotypes of an Aussie are.

Heavy consumer of Beer,
Good at and enjoy Sports,
Bunch of singlet, thong wearing yobbos,
Beach goers,
etc etc.

While these are true for certain socio-economic groups in Australia they do not describe the majority of the Australian population, except for the love of a good quality beer, not american beer, (that stuff is awfull, too watery), and being good at sports for the most part, lead lives almost identical to all other western cultures.

Also its a known fact that the Australian government is one of the most successful governments of recent times due to the advances made in public services such as free public health care to everyone who is a citizen, very low unemployment rates, low interest rates, fast stable economic growth, well above average GDP per person, infact in the top 15 of the world i believe if not the top 10, and large surpluses every year, also Australia is one of the few countries that is totally debt free, and continues to maintain its surplus.

Also a note, while the "lebonese", aka "wogs", and the New Zealanders aka "Kiwis" cannot seem to provide positive definitions of Australian culture, for what ever reasons, such as jealousy or misguided contempt and use of ridiculous stereotypes, the average Australian is the same as any other average anglosaxen you'd find in a modern Western Culture, aka, has job, family, is not an alcoholic and earns a decent living.

Aussie, care free relaxed sports loving way of living.

Aussie short term used to describe an Australian

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
tags beer sports australian cricket beaches
by Zedicus Zorander Aug 9, 2007 email it
7.         aussie        
        23 up, 8 down        

person whom calls australia home, though many dispute this, and state that to be truely Aussie you must

1)enjoy the frequent consumption of alcoholic beveridge's

2)partake in many vrious sports whether well or not e.g. back yard cricket 9but only if it invovles the one hand one bounce rule off of any structures in the yard)

3)have one mate by the name of either Davo, Robbo, or Nato (males names typically end in an O ) and know a shiela by the name of Shazza, ( which is short for sharon, cheryl, sharlene, though most females names end in an A )

4)must over use many of the Aussie slang words E.G. Bloke Mate shiela Bugger ocker onya bathers budgie smugglers yonks ranga yobbo bogan Biffderro mole not happy jan sky rocket staunch etc also if in doubt add an O to the end od the word.... e.g. lhow about a gamo of cricket mate....

5) must get into at least one major biff in the calender year

6)must follow at least one of the four major football codes religiously (AFL, NRL, Union, Soccer). knowing all details of the team's right back to who won the premiership in 1972

7) must watch the cricket and V8's when the footy season is not on (always with a bevy in hand)

8) All Aussies know the standard chants...

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Aussie Oi
Aussie Oi
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

come on aussie come on, come on
Come on aussie Come on

Aussie will also know the words to waltzing Matilda better that they know the words there own national anthem

9) and lastly an Aussie is renowned for being laid back. regardless of how his nieghbor hasn't mowed for weeks or how bad his PM is fowling up the country. The aussie would prefer to grab a cold one and hang out with mates down at the pub

"I can see that the aussies are going to win the ashes again this year"
"theres nothing more Aussie than a meat pie in one hand, a beer in the other, and sitting back to watch the footy"
tags ausie oz australian australia terra australis
by mugg_au australia Oct 16, 2007 email it

8.          Aussie         
        8 up, 1 down        

An Aussie is a bloody true blue Australian and can drink forever. Aussie's excelle in all sports, they can wear anything up to singlets flipflops and footy shorts we love pies and our sheala's. They hate Yanks!,Pomies,Sheep Shaggers{NZ}, Wogs,Lebos,Bogens and anyone else who thinks they have bigger dicks.Were good at war saveing asses and will fight till the death to protect the commonwealth. Also have mates named Sammo,Davo,Beno,Zazza and varies others.

Kato: That Beno the Aussie has a huge wanga he must have the Australian factor.
Shazza: Yeah those Australians do have big wangas.

Sammo: Oi pull up a chair and have a stubbie with me and watch the pomies get there balls handed to them.
Robbo:**** yeah mate pass the pies
tags true blue aussie awsome hate yanks pie eaters beer drinkers.
by Aussie69 Cobar Jan 28, 2008 email it
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9.         aussie        
        2 thumbs up        

Another word for an Australian; a person usually living in Australia or whose parent/s are Australian. There are many stereotypes for Australians, such as them drinking too much beer, being dumb and ugly, all of them being farmers, living in the outback, riding kangaroos to school/work and having pet koalas, always wearing singlets and thongs (the shoes, that is!), using slang all the time, eating wombats and kangaroo, and overall being an idiot that nobody likes. Despite what many non-Australians might think (especially Americans), THIS IS NOT TRUE. While some Aussies may use slang, some may be farmers, and most drink beer, the majority of us are just like any other Western culture, such as in America or New Zealand.

Many great celebrities are also Australians, including Delta Goodrem, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Elle MacPherson, The Veronicas, Olivia Newton-John, Paul Hogan and Lleyton Hewitt.

This is a false stereotype of an Aussie -

Jacko: G'day, mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie, mate!

Stevo: Bloody beaut idea, mate!

This is something more true-to-life -

Tom: Hey, Kate! How are ya?

Kate: Yeah, good. Have you seen Daniel around lately, by any chance?

Tom: Nah, not for a while. Didn't he say he was going to some party or something?

Kate: Yeah, you're probably right.
tags aussie stereotype bbq australia kangaroo wombat koala farmer ranch
by An Aussie named Elle Australia May 11, 2008 email it
10.         aussie        
        3 up, 1 down        

An 'aussie' is a seriously ugly colourful jacket by the brand 'Australian', worn in the late 90's by dutch youth to identificate themselves with the Hardcore house scene.

> "Dude, what's that jacket"
< "It's my new Aussie"
> "Sweet!"
tags aussie hardcore jacket uglyness holland
by Just another Cheesehead Holland Mar 12, 2008 email it
11.         aussie        
        1 thumb up        

beer drinking bbq eating animal like behaviour.
walk around in flannelette's, thongs, boardshorts and australia flags.

lebo: ShUuUu bRooO u c DeM aUsSiEs aT cRoNuLlA dA oVa DaY?

lebo2: yEe KuZz LyK dRiNkin BeEr n ShIt fUkN fAgEtZ

lebo3: bRo wAtCh DiS iMa sMaShA LyF gUaRd..
tags muzza wog sik lebo bro kuz ule fully tabouleh kebab souvlaki garlic adidas everlast
by OZI-KLR kangaville Apr 30, 2008 email it
12.         aussie        

Another word for an Australian; a person usually living in Australia or whose parent/s are Australian. There are many stereotypes for Australians, such as them drinking too much beer, being dumb and ugly, all of them being farmers, living in the outback, riding kangaroos to school/work and having pet koalas, always wearing singlets and thongs (the shoes, that is!), using slang all the time, eating wombats and kangaroo, and overall being an idiot that nobody likes. Despite what many non-Australians might think (especially Americans), THIS IS NOT TRUE. While some Aussies may use slang, some may be farmers, and most drink beer, the majority of us are just like any other Western culture, such as in America or New Zealand.

Many great celebrities are also Australians, including Delta Goodrem, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Elle MacPherson, The Veronicas, Olivia Newton-John, Paul Hogan and Lleyton Hewitt.

This is a false stereotype of an Aussie -

Jacko: G'day, mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie, mate!

Stevo: Bloody beaut idea, mate!

This is something more true-to-life -

Tom: Hey, Kate! How are ya?

Kate: Yeah, good. Have you seen Daniel around lately, by any chance?

Tom: Nah, not for a while. Didn't he say he was going to some party or something?

Kate: Yeah, you're probably right.
tags aussie australian beer delta goodrem elle mcpherson paul hogan lleyton hewitt farm farmer ranch kangaroo stereotype wombat down under outback oz g'day barbeque bbq barbie beaut
by An Aussie named Elle Australia May 9, 2008 email it
13.         Aussie        

Alright. I'm sick of people writing rude definition's about Australia.
We do not talk like Steve Irwin.
We are not all racist assholes.
We do not all wear singlets, eat pies, watch footy, play cricket, drink too much beer, wear thongs.
Yes, the majority of us think we're the best country. Get of our back, most countries think they are as well.
Most of the time we have friends of other backgrounds, and we call them names as a joke. And they do it right back to us.
And hell yeah, we're laid back. And yes, we most likely do swear too much. So sue us. So really all I have left to say is, get the hell off our case.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Oi Oi Oi!
tags aussie australian oz down under aus
by pissed off Aussie Australia May 3, 2008 email it
14.         aussie        
        4 up, 14 down        

stubby short wearing, meat pie eating, VB drinking cock smokers who spend all day drinking beer and shouting nonsense bullshit which no other nation gives a shit about.

Dazza: Oy. Where's the tomato sauce for my meat pie bitch?
Shazza: Its next to the Torana you drongo cock smoker!
Dazza: You want another black eye you tunnel cunted mole!

Aussie, aussie, aussie.... go get ****ed!
tags aussie auzzie australia stubby shorts meat pie
by Little Indian Bombay Dec 30, 2007 email it

15.          aussie         
        6 up, 23 down        

Aussie is the term used for people from Australia. Superior to all other races and countries, Aussies have what is known as the X factor, also known as a big dick. Often pommie poofters say bad things about Aussies because they're jealous that a colony only a few hundred years old is now home to the perfect human beings, "aussies". Wogs, chinks, poms and yanks are invading the country, soon this beautiful country will be ruined.

Aussie local: got a smoke der bra ?
tourist: nope, sorry i dont smoke
local: well u beta get a ****in smoke for me den cunt or ill bleed ya nose

tags truth aussie superior local bra
by Wesley Centrelink great southern land Oct 22, 2007 email it
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16.         aussie        
        19 up, 71 down        

Someone who lives in a relatively small continent(?) which and has a problem with New Zealand being better at rugby. Not bad people. Just has similar international rivalry problems as every other country.

New zealander: Hey The all blacks wasted the wallabies last night.
Aussie: Umm... i didn't personally see...
New Zealander: Ok relax, we waste at rugby, you waste at cricket.
tags nz australia australian all blacks new zealand
by MARCEL S Why you wanna know May 9, 2007 email it
17.         Aussie        
        134 up, 202 down        

A person, usually male, who is great at performing oral sex on a female partner.

Friend 1: John sure is hot, but I wonder if he's good in Austrailia?
Friend 2: He's a wonder down under. I'd say he's god-damn Austrailian!
Friend 1: I love me an Aussie.
tags cunnilingus filatio oral sex going down 69
by The Ankoress New York Dec 9, 2005 email it
18.         aussie        
        15 up, 89 down        

a bogan, sometimes refered as a w**ka by most people. usualy found in singlet with smelly feet. Many have had bad experience loosing fights with wogs, such as lebanese

people shout out 'oi aussie'
tags bogan wogs smelly feet singlet
by richothelebo QLD May 17, 2007 email it
19.         aussie        
        108 up, 187 down        

An alcoholic drink derived from the University of Toledo. While exact measurements are not known, ingredients are as follows:
Lime Juice (Lemon juice may be used as a substitute)
Fruit Punch (Generic Kroger brand is the best)

Even if I did tell you the exact measurements, I'm sure you'd forget them after the 1st drink.

Jarrett tossed me a water-bottle of what I thought was fruit punch, but it turned out to be an Aussie!
tags vodka aussie triplesec toledo fruit punch
by Retzy Toledo Oct 2, 2005 email it
20.         aussie        
        52 up, 193 down        

An aussie is a person of australian desent. A typical aussie is a person who still thinks adidas ´button up´ basket ball pants are cool, they cannot dance and use beer in place of water.They complain of wogs being on welfare when the majority of people on welfare/centrelink are indeed aussies. If you are an aussie reading this, well done for completing your highschool education...aussies put down wogs but then take on the typical wog appearence and attitude. Aussies ancestors were convicts and not much has changed within their intellect or personality. Aussies are known for their terrible haircuts, putrid body odour and alcoholic parents. They also constantly wear the same singlets,thongs and claim to be true australians, when infact australia belongs to the aboriginies. So next time you see a skinny pimply faced broadmeadows red neck aussie...take a moment and pity these helpless retards...also...throw 20 cents to them so they can be happy and run to the nearest milk-bar to buy a single ciggarette, usually a ´horizon´ or ´holiday´. Aussies also love to get bashed by lebos and for aome reason view their slaughter in ´Gallipoli´ as a victory.

´cheryl, that cow is a aussie and a half!´

´Must be thursday welfare/centrelink payday...see all the aussies linning up at the atm and phone boxes?´

´oh my god ! is that person having an epileptic fit?....nah its just an aussie trying to dance´
tags ozzie australia australian yobbo fag
by rawTruth Melbourne Jan 21, 2007 email it
21.         aussie        
        56 up, 267 down        

aussie is a non-kiwi. Live on alcohol and koalas. Ancestors were convicts. Suck at rugby. Have horrid nasal accents that get them in crap in France. Generally suck.

Emigrate over to NZ because we're obviously better.

Oi, Aussie!

Aussie, you suck!

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi OI
tags retards chavs convicts australians kath and kim aussies
by Bonniekins New Zealand Aug 17, 2006 email it

22.          Aussie         
        75 up, 295 down        

A derogatory term for the peoples of Australia, otherwise known as porcine dross.

Australians are flatulent, ugly, boorish and generally have the intellectual capacity of a slug. Universally loathed the world over, Aussies often delude themselves into believing they are a superior to other nations because they are world champions in minority sports such as women’s netball and toad racing

Widely ridiculed as utterly useless Aussies are in fact quite well suited to menial work such as pulling pints for Englishmen in London where they provide a valuable source of cheap labour.

The Aussies whineged incessantly as the Kiwis and Poms beat them again.

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发表于 18-5-2008 11:33:51 | 只看该作者
是不错呢,象澳洲这边用得多的no worries, ta上面都有解释

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发表于 18-5-2008 11:34:15 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 18-5-2008 12:03:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 cragthog 于 18-5-2008 08:33 发表
是不错呢,象澳洲这边用得多的no worries, ta上面都有解释


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发表于 18-5-2008 13:15:49 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 18-5-2008 13:17:15 | 只看该作者

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发表于 18-5-2008 13:25:15 | 只看该作者

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发表于 10-6-2008 16:07:10 | 只看该作者
很强啊 LZ 好网站!!!!!!!!!!!

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发表于 10-6-2008 16:13:29 | 只看该作者
没找到 tea .........
what r we having for tea ?

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发表于 11-6-2008 00:35:15 | 只看该作者
this site is just for slangs/colloquialism, and is largely on the basis of american english.
tea may mean dinner in australian english.

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发表于 11-6-2008 13:24:44 | 只看该作者
I'm addicted to it


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