Maybe that is a reason, but there were quite a few individuals whose application were finalised within a couple of weeks, much faster than mine. In fact, I suppose that Anthony is a busy dude since cases managed by him were almost slower than others.
1. ACS application form
2. A certified copy of birth certificate
3. A certified copy of Diploma
4. A certified copy of Degree
5. A certified copy of academic transcript
6. A reference letter with name card attached
7. Resume
1. ACS application form
2. A certified copy of birth certificate
3. A certified copy of Diploma
4. A certified copy of Degree
5. A certified copy of academic transcript
6. A reference lette ...
我是从2001年毕业前1年就在现在的单位兼职做Web Programmer,从2002年9月开始做full-time的network engineer,1年以后focused on network security and administration,从2006年开始做这个单位的技术部门的manager。5年多没有换过单位,工作经历相对“单纯”。
我提交给ACS的材料非常简单,就像我上面列的那些一样(那就是我的Cover letter中的checklist),除了推荐信+名片,并没有提供工资单什么的其它证明。所以我认为能评到2231-79(network security),应该是推荐信的功劳。推荐信里列了好几条我的工作职责(都是挑的网络安全方面的,我管的范围并不仅限于安全),基本都能与从找到的网络安全相关工作的duties and responsibilities对应上。然后再找我的前任技术部的manager写些介绍性的内容,如什么时间开始工作的,做过那些具体贡献,此人是个P.H.D,也有些说服力吧。In a word, I strongly suggest 想评网络安全的同学们一定要把推荐信写好。
我是从2001年毕业前1年就在现在的单位兼职做Web Programmer,从2002年9月开始做full-time的network engineer,1年以后focused on network security and administration,从2006年开始做这个单位的技术部门的manager。 ...