回复 #21 兔妈妈 的帖子
Thanks for your reply. I am really looking forward to hearing from u regarding your experience in oz and back in China, esp. the specific reason that makes your going back China.
Have u made decision about the time of going back ? Which city are you going to settle down? Shenzhen or...? I know you have got what you want, then it's time for you to go back homecountry. But some heartbreaking stories happened around me make me keep thinking why we immigrate to oz. and why we go back after we get the oz. passports? Yes, different people have different answers.
I know a lady who got both her citizenship and CPA status recently has decided to go back to join her husband in China, though she likes oz very much and so does her child. She has to give up everything in oz. she made great effort for because her husband has a very good job in China (>30W). What a pity!
Life is so complicated. Sometimes, we cannot just simply make a decision without taking many many factors into consideration. Maybe it is more difficult for a female. The story makes me think of the words from the Bible-- a woman is made from the rib of a man.
Maybe..., maybe........ |