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Requirement to depart Australia
Your visas cannot be granted while you are in Australia.
All migrating applicants must be outside Australia, at the same time, to enable visa grant.
Applicants, who are currently in Australia, must now provide details of their travel itinerary
including the date of departure from Australia, at least a week in advance of their departure.
Departure and itinerary details including flight number, destination, date and time should be
emailed to -
After departure from Australia, please allow at least 3 working days before approaching the
Australian overseas mission to have visas evidenced in your passport, to allow time for the
electronic transfer of visa data to that mission. Details of the department's overseas missions
may be found here: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/overseas/index.htm
It may then take at least 5 working days for the evidencing process to be finalised, depending
on the processing priorities at the overseas mission. If you are unable to go to the Australian
overseas mission in person, you should check with the mission for other arrangements.
5月25日pre-grant,6月13日周日出境,14日public holiday,15日准签
[ 本帖最后由 xiaohaoxibei 于 21-6-2010 11:17 编辑 ] |