MEL的CITY实际上以国内上海、北京的标准来说是很小的,大概横平竖直的几个街区就构成了中心地带,但商圈还算是集中,大的购物商场,中国城,CBD,休闲区等该有的都有。短登住在CITY也有不少好处,可以有更多的时间来熟悉这个中心地带。可惜我们第一天就由于不太适应这种布局,直接LOST IN MEL了,出去转悠了好多弯路才回到酒店:-(
The issues you will face as you begin your new life in Australia are complex and changing. There will be challenges, and also rewards. In the end, your success will depend on your own efforts, as well as the goodwill of those willing to help you. Welcome and good luck!
-《Welcome to Victoria - Beginning a Life in Australia》。