
楼主 |
发表于 11-3-2010 11:57:12
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http://www.keys2drivepilot.com.a ... 9r6ACFcItpAod0zH3ZQ
Free session information
What is the free session?
The keys2drive free session aims to change the way you drive by changing the way you learn. Sure, when you're learning to drive it's important to be shown the skills by someone with experience, but you also need to be able to 'find your own way'. That way, once you've passed your test, you'll know you've got what it takes to make the right choices whenever you need to.
The keys2drive free session is not intended to replace normal driving lessons. It should complement them by empowering beginning drivers to find their own way to becoming safer drivers.
keys2drive is a revolutionary approach to learning road safety and the free session is an opportunity for the learner driver, instructor and supervisor to learn this approach together. Participants get lots of great advice and information about how to practise and what to aim for.
What you get from the session
Supervisors and learners gain the confidence to practise their safe driving, and are trained in the best ways to practise.
Who is the free session for?
The free session is for anyone on their L's, together with their supervisor (the supervisor is the fully licensed driver who usually accompanies the learner when they drive). Only beginning drivers are currently eligible to apply.
Why should the supervisor be there?
Because supervisors are learning too. The free session gives them realistic confidence to help the learner safely take control of their own learning. If you're a supervisor, you should encourage your learner to apply.
The aim is to help the P-plater drive for six months without hurting themselves or others. It's a goal that builds the skills necessary to drive safe for life. |