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新闻很多人应该已经看到了,今天部分移民代理受邀参加了会议,据与会人士透露,除了新MODL将公布外,还会有一些Point Test的调整。但会议中并没有透露调整细节。目前唯一肯定的是厨师和理发师肯定会被MODL剔除。
目前Comlaw中尚未出现Migration Regulation 1994的调整,是尚未登记还是改动幅度较小不涉及Regulation 1994的Schedule目前尚不明朗。
Skilled migration program set to change
February 6, 2010
THE federal government is set to overhaul the skilled migration program, and industry bodies fear it will throw the flagging international education sector into further disarray.
On Monday the Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, is expected to announce changes including amendments to the migration occupations-in-demand list, which sets out areas where skilled workers are needed and awards points to migrants who apply to work in these areas.
The changes purportedly aim at meeting long-term skill needs and are being heralded as ''significant policy reforms'' by the secretary of the Immigration Department, Andrew Metcalfe.
Senator Evans will detail the changes in a speech to industry and union representatives, including the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Australian Industry Group, the Minerals Council of Australia and the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union.
The government is also expected to reconsider changes made on January 1 to the temporary ''457'' visa, which businesses have criticised for impeding the ability of employers to recruit workers from overseas.
In private discussions, immigration officials have said the government would support changes that place a greater focus on employer-sponsored visas and give state governments power to import workers under state sponsorship visas.
The points that migrants can earn by working jobs on the demand list are small but can tip the balance in favour of their eligibility to live in Australia. An industry source said skilled migrants under 30 were most likely to use the points system.
The changes are expected to break the link between permanent residency and trades, such as hairdressing and cookery, which are on the demand list at present and are attractive to overseas students who wish to stay.
''It's a very sensitive area,'' the source said. ''The problem is, we can't compel students to work in the job for which they train.''
The implications for the $17 billion education sector are significant. The changes could dash the permanent residency hopes of students enrolled in a sector already battling college foreclosures and bad publicity after attacks on Indian students.
''In the short term, registered training organisations could face closure, and bigger providers like TAFE could take a big financial hit,'' the source said.
The skilled migration consultative panel was due to complete its review of the occupations list late last year. When the panel met on January 21, immigration officials told interest groups the points test would be revised as it responded poorly to immediate skills needs.
The changes are expected to take effect from midnight the day of the announcement, with industry warned of a surge in applications from people wishing to take advantage of the current system before it changes.
The chief executive of the Australian Council of Private Education and Training, Andrew Smith, said he hoped the review factored in the value of the education sector to the economy and looked after students by keeping disruptions to a minimum and providing certainty.
[ 本帖最后由 TtiGeR 于 6-2-2010 19:41 编辑 ] |