原帖由 extreme 于 3-2-2010 01:19 发表
前面有网友说Fish n Chips里面的Flake,其实就是鲨鱼肉,确实是的。鲨鱼的品种叫Gummy Shake和School Shake。澳洲有很多人钓鱼,专门钓这两种鱼的,MS前面game网友提到从小吃到大的鲨鱼也是这类鲨鱼。
gummy shark,学名Mustelus antarcticus,中文名:白斑星鲨,地方名称 白点鲨、沙皮、星鲨。为皱唇鲨科星鲨属。
shark.jpg (70.66 KB)
3-2-2010 01:20
Gummy shark meat is often marketed as "flake". Their boneless fillets have made them particularly popular within the fish and chip industry throughout Australia. Although Gummy sharks have not been overfished they inhabit many of the same areas as School (snapper) sharks which have, therefore a bycatch quota was established. This means fishers targeting Gummy shark can not adversely impact on the School shark population.[1] Bag limits for recreational fishers in Victoria apply, a limit of two gummy shark and/or school shark, landed whole or as a carcass. Minimum size for both species is 45cm measured from the rear most gill slit to the base of the tail fin.[2]
文中提到,Gummy shark被用做Fish n chips的Flake,尽管这种鲨鱼没有被过度捕捞,但和School shark一样,也已经受到影响,因此受到捕捞尺寸限制。
The school shark, tope shark, soupfin shark or snapper shark
school shark用于西班牙料理中的一道开胃菜:cazon,也就是把school shark肉裹了面粉油炸。
Gummy Shark是白斑星鲨,保护级别是最低的least concern。School Shark是翅鲨,传统上被东西方用于烹饪,受到过渡捕捞的影响,目前数量较稀少,保护级别高。二者都属于皱唇鲨类,而且经常拥有共同的栖息地,捕捞白斑星鲨的时候容易顺带将翅鲨捕捞上来,因此制定了一些限制措施。
Life history
Gummy sharks develop from eggs which mature internally, and are born live. Pregnant sharks carry between one and 38 young with an average of 14. Older mothers carry more embryos than younger mothers.
Newborn and juvenile gummy sharks are common in many areas across southern Australia but there are presently no well defined shallow-water nursery areas. Young and adult gummy sharks are distributed widely.
Female gummy sharks can grow to 175 cm. This is greater than the males which reach 145 cm. Gummy sharks can live as long as 16 years.
How are Gummy sharks sold?
Sharks are marketed as fresh, chilled carcasses (headed and gutted). These are filleted and the meat is often sold under the name of 'Flake' in Victoria and Tasmania. Their boneless fillets makes them popular with consumers, especially in the 'fish-and-chip' trade.
How are Gummy sharks managed?
Gummy sharks are targeted mainly in the Great Australian Bight in the Gillnet, Hook and Trap sector of the Southern and Eastern Shark and Scalefish Fishery.
Gummy sharks are often found with School sharks. School sharks have been overfished in the past and to ensure the stock will rebuild, a bycatch quota for School shark is set each year. This means fishers targetting Gummy shark can not adversly impact the School shark population. |