原帖由 Viola 于 14-1-2010 01:14 发表
[Tongariro Alpine Crossing Track]
Tongariro Alpine Crossing Track号称新西兰最佳一日徒步路线,全长18.5KM,爬升1000米,下降1300米,需时7-9个小时。这里是详细介绍:http://www.tongarirocrossing.org.nz/
Yes, this is one of "nine" top tracks in New Zealand. You were so luck to finish this one.
NewZealand’s most popular tramping/trekking tracks and a river journey are collectively known as the Great Walks.
The "Nine" Great Walks were selected because of their popularity with both visitors and local trampers, and for their outstanding scenery. The Department of Conservation (DOC) has upgraded these tracks over recent years to well-marked bench tracks suitable for any person who is reasonably fit. Modern well-equipped backcountry huts and picturesque campsites are placed at convenient distances along the tracks, which take three to five days to traverse.
There are Three Great Walks in the NorthIsland. Lake Waikaremoana Track circles a beautiful lake in a mystical area of splendid isolation. Tongariro Northern Circuit crosses a moonscape of thermal vents around an active volcano.Whanganui River Journey is a fun-filled float trip by canoe, kayak or raft through spectacular gorges and exciting rapids.
The Six South Island walks offer an even greater diversity of scenery. Abel Tasman Coast Track is the most popular walk along gentle bush tracks and golden beaches. Heaphy Track passes through impressive limestone country and ends with amagnificent beach walk. Routeburn Track penetrates an alpineworld of high passes and towering peaks. Milford Track is the premier attraction, having earned its reputation as ‘the finest walk in the world’. Kepler Track has outstanding alpine, lake and river scenery. Rakiura Track on Stewart Island,which was opened in 2001, covers unspoiled forest and coastalscenery.
Hut and campsite passes need to be purchased before starting outon your trip. The three most popular ones, Abel Tasman, Milford and Routeburn have a booking system which guarantees a bunk for the night, but the others are on a first come first served basis. Bookings are heaviest in the summer season, particularly in January.
For the active visitor the Great Walks are the ultimate way tosee New Zealand’s natural environment at its very best.
I walked in Milford Track on Dec 7-10, 2006 with one mate, and this Dec 12-15, 2009 again with Circleyue. We had great time over there.
This time we saw one Belgian guy who was walking all six tracks in South Island of New Zealand within one month. He admired us very much as our flight ticket only costed about $350 (and NZ looks like courtyard of OZ for distance wise) while he spent over $3000 for flilght ticket only.
We are thinking to go to NZ every year to finish one or two tracks within ten days. We are planing to pick up Routeburn Track and Kepler Track near Queenstown region in Dec 2010. Anyone who is keen to join is very welcome to join regular Sunday hiking (for 6-8 hours) around Sydney region and interstate in Australia.
Routeburn Track
Experience New Zealand's second most famous walk, which straddles the rugged spine of Fiordland's Humboldt Mountains, and enjoy scenery even more varied than theMilford Track.
The Routeburn Track has the capacity to lift you way beyond the normal world of outdoorexperience. It is utterly sublime. A gloriously remote and untouched wilderness pathway, that can lead you back from the 21st Century to view a pre-historic earth. The view from the track’s highest point, Conical Peak near Harris Saddle,holds you spell bound and lost for words. The panorama of encircling snow-capped mountains extends to the Tasman Sea. The exquisite serenity, stillness and loveliness of Lake Harris, will remain a permanent image etched in your mind.
The 33 km track usually takes3 to 4 days with a choice of 4 huts and 2 campsites that need tobe booked well in advance. The huts are located at Lake Howden,Lake Mackenzie, Routeburn Falls, and Routeburn Flats. The track can be walked from the Divide on the Te Anau/Milford highway, or from the Routeburn Shelter at the head of Lake Wakatipu.
The variety of landscapes isamazing. From the grassy river flats you climb through dense beech forest to the snowline where alpine plants grow in profusion. An exposed sub-alpine section is traversed on Day 2,following the Routeburn to its outlet from Lake Harris. The natural sounds of water tumbling, trickling, gushing and cascading can be heard all along the track. The vegetation grow this prolific, and you can see native birds and colourful butterflies along the way. Great Walk hut or campsite passes can be purchased at the visitor centres in Te Anau, Queenstown and Glenorchy. Public transport is available at either end of the track but needs to be pre-arranged.
The Routeburn is a one-offexperience. You will never forget the overwhelming accumulation of natural beauty and the endless variety of forms, shapes andcolours.
Kepler Track
Stroll on into Te Anau, ‘TheWalking Capital of New Zealand’, and set out on ourbest-planned Great Walk, which starts right on the edge of town.
The 67 km Kepler Track is the perfect complement to its nearneighbours, the Milford and Routeburn tracks. It combines all the best archetypal Fiordland features such as moss-draped beechforest, rich bird life, alpine tussock, mountain ranges,cascading waterfalls, glacial valleys, river flats and limestone for mations. Bookings are essential in the October-April walking season.From May the track reverts to the Backcountry Hut ticket system.Camping is only permitted at Brod Bay and near the Iris Burn Hut.
This 3 to 4 day tramp starts by hugging the southern shore of Lake Te Anau as far as the Waiau River Control Gates. From thereit is an easy walk to Brod Bay before tackling the 4 hour ascentto Mt Luxmore Hut. On Day 2 there is an option to explore thelimestone caves on Mt Luxmore, and climb to the summit (1,471metres) for a 360° panorama of Lake Te Anau and the Murchison Range. The native takahe bird was found in this range in 1948 after years of presumed extinction. From Mt Luxmore the track crosses an exposed alpine ridge for 12 km before descending through beech forest to the Iris Burn Hut.
On Day 3 the track winds down an ancient glacial valley to Moturau Hut on the shores of Lake Manapouri, from where it is a 2hour tramp to the Rainbow Reach exit. A regular shuttle service operates here in summer. Alternatively you can continue up the Waiau River to the Control Gates and back to Te Anau.
The Kepler Track is unique in its recent custom-made design as around trip route. Other New Zealand tracks evolved from Maoritrails or pioneer exploration routes.
This is the perfect place to have a hassle-free great outdoors experience at high altitude. The immensity and mountain splendouris simply breathtaking.
[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 14-1-2010 11:31 编辑 ] |